12 Absolutes For When Your Faith Is Shaken

Faith is shaken during life’s most challenging moments. Doubts creep in, and the foundation that once felt unshakable starts to tremble. But, even when faith is shaken, there are ways to navigate through the storm.

By reflecting on your core beliefs, seeking support from loved ones, and engaging in the word of God, you can begin to rebuild and find hope once more. Remember, moments of uncertainty can lead to profound growth and renewed strength.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13(NIV)

What is a person supposed to do when their faith is shaken? Should they give up? Or should they hold on?

Ever found yourself struggling with any of these questions? How do you react and respond when your faith is shaken?

Well, there are times when we find ourselves doubting the promises of God. It doesn’t mean we are bad people. Or that God is mad at us.

It’s just part of the Christian life. In fact, it is part of life in general. All of us believers and nonbelievers alike face challenges that shake our faith.

In such times, our past beliefs and experiences are put to the test. Why? They are the things we base our faith on.

What is Faith?

Faith means different things to different people. To some, it is a kind of superstition. Others believe faith is a positive force that makes the impossible possible. While to rational thinkers, faith is the opposite of reasoning.

But to believers, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). 

The truth is all of us place our faith in something. No one can live in this world without faith. We need faith to believe in simple things such as gravity and traffic light.

What do you do when your Faith is shaken?

This may be the last thing that you want to hear. But the best thing to do when your faith is shaken is to put your trust in God.

Yes, it’s hard. God seems far away, or you have been praying for so long, and He hasn’t answered yet. But understand that God’s ways are not ours. He promised to do it for you, so trust Him and the process you are going through.

Do not put your hope in man, or things for you will end up being very disappointed. Remember, the word of God says that cursed is a man who puts their trust in man.

God is all-knowing. He is Alpha and Omega. He knows everything about you. So He is the best person to trust. See Him as your source of strength, love, peace, hope, and protection.

2. Pray about it.

If there is one thing that most of us struggle with when our faith is shaken, it is prayer. In most cases, we feel let down by God and don’t see the point of talking with Him.

But prayer should be the first thing you do when you find yourself struggling to trust God and His promises. You don’t have to pray perfectly.

You may even find it hard to pray for five minutes. But no matter how you feel, rise above that and pour out your heart to God.

You may not feel any different the first time. But keep on praying, and soon your feelings will align with the word of God.

Please don’t hold back when praying. Tell God what is in your heart because He already knows. If you feel disappointed, tell Him, He can handle it.

The more you open up to God, the easier it will become for you to anchor your faith in Him. And soon, your faith will be strengthened.

3. Work on changing Your Situation.

James 2:17 says “Faith without works is dead”. As we are having faith in the promises of God to manifest in our lives, we should also be working on our faith.

Working our faith means we are doing something more than praying and waiting on God. It is the time for fasting, studying the word of God, praying, and doing something more about it to improve your situation.

When praying for a financial breakthrough or looking for a job, you will need to go and connect with people outside.

As a Christian, you cannot just wait around for a blessing to fall on your lap. You may feel discouraged to pray, associate with people, fast, or even give to God.

Ask God for the courage and strength to do what is required. When you seek God, you are filled with strength as it says in Nehemiah 8:10 “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength”.

When your faith is shaken remember not to stray from the source of your joy who is God, Philippians 4:7; says, “and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”.

4. Surround Yourself with Godly People.

Who are you allowing to speak to you? Who are your close friends?

It is important for us as children of God to surround ourselves with the right people. Whether we admit it or not, the people who surround us have some level of influence on us.

If you hang around doubtful people, it’s only a matter of time before you start doubting the promises of God.

It is hard to cut off some relationships, but it is inevitable, especially when they derail you. Find people who believe in God and trust the process He is taking you through.

Note that just because someone is a believer doesn’t necessarily mean they trust God the way you do. So ask God for guidance so that you choose the right people.

If all your friends are non-believers, look for some believing friends. You don’t have to cut off ties with your unbelieving friends. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Also Related: 25 Powerful Short Prayers To Pray During Hard Times.

5. Remember Your Testimonies

We are often encouraged to write our testimonies down. That way, we can meditate on them from time to time. And remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness.

God told people like Ezekiel and Habakkuk(Habakkuk 2:2) to write He was telling them down. It is because of their obedience that we can read the Bible.

Go back to the testimonies that you have written down. If you haven’t, try to remember the great things your heavenly Father has done for you.

Remember how you were battling with doubt and fear, but He still came through for you. This same God will come through for you today. He does not change.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will show up at the right time.

6. Relate to people who have had similar situations

The word of God says that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Whatever you are going through right now, someone has already gone through it. Or is also going through the same challenge. But the enemy would like you to believe that you are the only one going through that struggle.

He wants you to think other people are special to God but not you.

That is simply not true. 

The same trials and challenges you are facing are being experienced by your brothers and sisters worldwide. You only need to read a blog, book, or attend seminars to see how many people are suffering. And how many overcame.

Doing this is not meant to undermine how you feel and the challenge you are going through.

Instead, it will help you stand firm and fight back until the promises of God become true in your life. Knowing that you are not alone in this fight will also strengthen your faith.

7. Seek Spiritual Guidance.

We cannot manage this Christian walk alone. It is essential to seek guidance from others when our faith is shaken.

There will be times when you will have a lot of questions. Go to God and ask for guidance. Ask Him all the questions that are lingering in your mind about Him. And wait patiently as He starts to reveal His true nature to you.

Psalm 23:1 says that the Lord is our shepherd. He doesn’t just shepherd us in our good times but even in the bad times. Even when you walk in the valley of the shadow of doubt and fear, He is there guiding you.

Ask Him to reveal to you what is holding you back from trusting Him completely. Or anything that’s hindering you from seeing the full manifestation of His promises in your life.

8. Have Quality Time Alone with God 

At times we get so caught up with things that we drift away from God. Unfortunately, this impacts our faith negatively. We end up finding ourselves struggling to believe the promises of God over our lives.

When you notice that your faith is being shaken, make it a point to spend quality time with God. Spend time alone with God and ask Him to remove every idol that has taken His place in your heart.

Spending time alone with God creates an atmosphere for His presence to manifest in your life. And this causes you to hear His voice clearly.

See, God is always talking to His children in one way or another. But we are always caught in so many things that we fail to hear His voice.

It is okay to take a break from the busyness of life to listen to God’s voice.

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash

9. Share with Substance.

We become vulnerable in those times when our faith is shaken. That is why we need to be careful about who we share our problems with. Do not just listen to one person’s opinion about the situation that you’re in.

Remember, the enemy is busy working to kill your faith. So he can use anyone, even people you least expect to cause you to doubt God. Your friend who is a believer may give you advice, but it may not be the best or from God.

On the flip side, God can make stones to praise Him. As such, He can use an unbeliever to give you great advice.

So do not be quick to brush off other people just because they don’t share your faith. Or are not at the same level that you are in spiritually.  It may be God speaking through them to you.

Irrespective of the kind of advice that you get, remember that the final decision lies with you. No one can force you to believe in something if you do not want to.

Also Related: 8 Ways To Strengthen Your Faith In The Lord.

10. Watch your Words.

What are you saying about the situation that you’re going through? Are you speaking words of blessings, or are you cursing yourself?

Often we end up blocking the manifestation of God’s blessings in our lives by the words we speak. And hence cause our faith to be shaken.

You may be blaming God for the delay that you’re experiencing in your life. When in reality, it is the words you speak over your situation that are causing the delay.

In our times of adversity, we tend to become bitter, angry, or easily offended. The result of that is talking down on ourselves and the promises of God. Jesus said that we will have what we ask for if we believe and don’t doubt.

As much as bad things may be happening, keep believing that you’ll have what you have prayed for.  Stop focusing on the worst that can happen in that given situation. And focus on the good things that God is able to provide you with.

Our God can create something out of nothing. Nothing is impossible with Him.

11. Believe in Yourself

Do you know the reason why the enemy always attacks our identity?

It is because he does not want us to believe in ourselves. He knows very well that people who believe in themselves are unstoppable. They cannot be easily swayed by his lies.

Believing in yourself does not mean that you undermine what God is doing in your life. It actually means seeing yourself the way God sees you.  And believing that you can accomplish the purposes, He has for your life.

The Bible says that we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us.  It also says that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

So do not undermine yourself or think that you’re not worthy to receive what God has in store for you.  Jesus came that you may have life more abundantly (John 10:10).

  1. Be Grateful when your Faith is Shaken 

The Bible encourages us to humble ourselves before God, and he will lift us up James 4:10. 

One of the ways that we can humble ourselves by being grateful to God even in our hard times.

It takes grace for you to tell God thank you before you see the physical manifestation of what He has promised you.  But it pleases Him when you do that.

Why? You are telling God that you trust Him and believe in His word.

In conclusion:

You cannot live in this world without faith.  Believers and non-believers alike all live by faith. It is only that our objects of faith are different.

There are times in life when our faith is shaken. We go through a lot of things that cause us to start doubt.  You do not have to feel bad about it because it is part of life.

At times, God allows things to happen so that He can deal with our hearts and shape our character. Keep trusting the process that He is taking you through.

Remain grateful, surround yourself with the right people,  pray and draw close to God.

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