Wondering how to strengthen your faith in God? Well, you’re not alone. Most Christians desire to have strong faith, but only a few do that.
Why is that? It’s because many people want easy and quick things. But strengthening our faith in God is not a one-time thing. It’s a continuous process.
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The way a farmer plants seeds and waits for the harvest is how we should plant faith in our hearts. And allow it to grow day by day.
If the farmer doesn’t take good care of the garden, the plants will die. The same is true about faith.
Colossians 2:7 tells us to let our roots grow down into Christ. And to let our lives be built on Him. If you don’t put in any effort, your faith will die.
So how does one grow their faith? Here are thirteen ways to strengthen your faith in the Lord:
1. Grow your Faith in the Word of God
The word of God is food to our souls. It nourishes us and enables our spirit to remain strong.
Kenneth Hagin once said, “ Faith commences where God’s will is known.”
We cannot claim to love God and follow his ways if we do not know what he says in his word. You need to know God’s will so that you can live within it.
The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the word of God.
Meaning that the strength of your faith will be determined by the quality of time you spend in the word. But you need revelation from God about His word. And that is why we have the Holy Spirit.
Ask Him to open your mind so that you can understand what you are reading.
2. Meditate on the Faithfulness of God
Though God has done great things in our lives, we often find ourselves struggling with doubt and fear. We wonder whether He will come through for us. Or whether He will forgive us for the wrong things that we have done.
In such times, remember to meditate on God’s faithfulness. Meditate on the good things that God has done in your life.
Read other people’s testimonies and see how he came through for them. Meditating on your testimonies or other people’s will strengthen your faith and cause you to stand firm to the end.
3. Put your Faith into Action
Do the things you do daily reflect your faith? Do they bring glory to God?
James 2:17 says that faith without works is dead. You cannot be a disciple of Christ if you do not live according to the word of God. You cannot be a child of God when you don’t put your faith into practice.
The way you live your life is a reflection of what you are feeding your mind with. Your faith and action should go hand in hand. They need to work together as a team, or else you will find yourself living a confusing life.
Proverbs 24:12 says God will repay us according to what we have done. Meaning that our deeds are vital. They reflect what or who you believe in.
When your deeds bring glory to God, his blessings follow you automatically, and you become successful in life. Not just that, but Jesus will reward us according to what we have done (Revelation 22:12).
Also Related: How to Build Your Faith and Trust in God.
4. Profess your Faith
Can we be honest? The Christian faith is being suppressed. Professing Jesus as our Lord and savior publicly is no longer allowed in some places. We are being encouraged to compromise our faith so that we can fit in with society.
Sadly, most Christians are buying into the lie. Some will talk about God but will not confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and savior. But it should not be that way. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
The Christian faith is about believing and declaring your faith. If you haven’t been speaking out about your faith, start now.
Start claiming the things God has promised you privately. Doing that will strengthen your faith in God, and soon you will begin to declare them publicly.
Be bold in faith. It’s only in doing so that we open up the doors to different blessings that God has given us. When we profess our faith boldly, we also spread our faith and boldness to other people.
This, in turn, causes us to reap a harvest and advance the kingdom of God.
5. Fast
Fasting is hard. Denying the flesh what it wants is challenging. But here is the thing; if you want to grow your faith, you need to be willing to make sacrifices. This includes denying the flesh what it wants.
The word of God says man shall not live on bread alone. But on every word that comes from His mouth (Mathew 4:4).
Fasting helps us focus on God’s word, which enables us to be alert in the spirit. When your spirit man is strong, your faith in God becomes strong.
If you want to increase your faith and remain strong, fast from time to time, as the spirit leads.
6. Avoid Negativity
A lot of negative stuff is being fed into people’s minds through the media. It is not wrong to watch the news, but we need to guard our minds.
If you spend time building your faith and watching negative stuff, your faith will be impacted negatively. The negative stuff will uproot the word of God from your heart.
FF Bosworth said faith and doubt cannot exist in the same house. You cannot strengthen your faith in God with negative things.
You cannot stand firm in faith and doubt God all at the same time. You either believe God’s promises, or you don’t.
But how do we keep negativity off? By feeding on things that are true, lovely, praiseworthy, and of good report (Philippians 4:8).
All these things are found in the word of God. Today, choose to submit to God by studying his word and meditating on it day and night.

7. Practice Patience
Our fallen nature doesn’t allow us to wait patiently. But when it comes to faith matters, we need to learn how to be patient with God and ourselves.
Honestly, there are things that God has promised you that will take time to manifest.
Your faith will be tested during the waiting season. So you need to strengthen your faith by practicing patience. Be patient with yourself, especially in times when you are struggling with doubt.
Do not give us so fast; instead, remain grounded in the word of God.
Forgive yourself when you mess up. And allow God to work through you and in you.
8. Surround yourself with Spiritual People
We need each other, and that is why the Bible encourages us to love one another. See, we cannot handle our walk with God without other believers. We need to help each other because we belong to a kingdom.
If you don’t have any Christian friends, it’s time to look for some. I know it’s hard because it’s challenging to separate true Christians from fake ones. But the good news is we can ask God for discernment when choosing friends.
People who share your faith will help strengthen your faith in God. They will share with you testimonies of great things God has done in their lives.
They will also hold your hand when you are down and hold you up in prayer.
Also Related: Top 11 Bible Stories that will Build Your Faith.
9. Believe in the Impossibilities
The Christan life is not only challenging, but it is also impossible when you choose to live life according to your own terms.
Our slogan in life as believers of Christ should be “Nothing is impossible”. Do you know why? The word of God says that with God, all things are possible.
We are also told in scripture that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
We should never allow fear of the unknown to stop us from accomplishing the purposes of God. Yes, it may be impossible to the outside world, but we serve a mighty God, and nothing is too hard for Him. He can do exceedingly, abundantly for all of us.
But it all starts by having faith in Him. See, we cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). When you strengthen your faith in God, you will find out that nothing is impossible with Him.
10. Share your Faith
We love to talk about sharing our faith with others, and rightly so. Jesus gave us a great commission to go into that world and spread the Gospel.
It is not something we do when we feel like it. We need to spread the Gospel irrespective of how we feel.
When you share your faith with others, they not only give their lives to Jesus. But you also become grateful in your heart, and this will strengthen your faith in God.
As Christians, we have to spread the Gospel by telling unbelievers and backsliders who God is and the great things he has done.
When we tell others about what God has done for us, we get a chance to magnify the Lord together.
This causes them to believe in God. And also helps us to remain grounded in our faith because it reminds us of God’s faithfulness.
11. Put your trust in God
God does not like double-minded people. In fact, the Bible says a double-minded person is unstable in their ways. And will receive nothing from God (James 1:8-10).
It’s not enough for us to say that we believe in God or we have faith. We need to trust Him with all our hearts and souls, even when it doesn’t make sense.
See, the strength of your faith will be determined by the level of trust you have in God. If you struggle to trust God for one reason or another, then work on that issue.
Ask Him to expose and remove the thing that is blocking you from trusting Him fully from your heart.
The more you trust God, the stronger your faith in Him will be. And you will become very fruitful in your life.
12. Pour Your Heart Out to God
Though David messed up a lot, he never stopped believing in God. He served Him faithfully and believed God to the end. But how was that possible?
How did David remain grounded in the Lord and grow strong in faith despite the challenges he went through. And the mistakes he made? I believe it is because David used to pour out his heart to the Lord.
David wasn’t afraid of telling God exactly how he felt (Psalm 22). If David was not afraid of sharing his thoughts, doubts, and fears with God, how about us?
We are told to enter boldly into God’s throne of grace in time of need. Do not languish in fear and doubt when you can run to your heavenly Father.
Tell Him all the troubles of your heart. God is not judging you. He already did that at the cross when he judged Jesus on your behalf.
Run to Him and tell God exactly how you feel and allow him to work on your heart.
But how do I do that, you may ask. Well, that brings us to our last point.
13. Pray Without Ceasing
When you find yourself in trouble, stressed, or in doubt, who do you turn to?
Who is the first person you share the good news with? Is it your spouse, sibling, or friend? Well, we all have that one person that we turn to in good and bad times.
Prayer is a system that God has put in place to talk to Him anytime we want to. We are encouraged to pray without ceasing. And the word also tells us that the prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Through prayer, we worship God and tell him what is bothering us, and we also get to hear his voice.
If you want to strengthen your faith in God and remain grounded, you need to pray without ceasing. And not just that, you need to pray bold prayers that align with the will of God in your life.
Prayer helps us to overcome the attacks of the enemy.
In short:
There will be times when our faith will be strong. But there will also be times when you’ll struggle. In whatever season you are in right now, know that God loves and is fighting for you.
Always strengthen your faith in God by reading the Bible, sharing your faith, and praying without ceasing.
We should not be afraid of believing in impossibilities. We serve a mighty God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly for all of us. And nothing is too hard for Him.
Turn to God, and pour your heart to Him when your faith is weak. Ask Him to strengthen you in the inner being.
Remember, we need to have faith in God in order for us to remain faithful to the end.
Don’t allow the enemy to kill your faith. Be intentional about growing it so that you can stay firm to the end.