13 Proven Signs God is Testing You

Signs God is testing you might include encountering unexplained difficulties that challenge your faith and perseverance.

God uses different situations, occasions and circumstances to test His people. You don’t need to worry yourself up or be afraid when you are going through a test.

This is because inasmuch as God tests us, He cannot harm us. All the tests from God work for our good. However, it is very important for us to know if it is God who is testing us or not.

A test is an occurrence where we find ourselves in a fix on whether to follow God or not. Tests come into our lives through trials, hard conditions, challenging situations and through other issues of life.

What Does It Mean to Be Tested by God?

God will test you in different ways. He may test us at our places of work, in our ministries, in our roles as mothers, fathers or brothers in Christ.

God wants to know if we are strong enough to continue abiding in Him even in the midst of challenges. One thing you need to note is that being tested by God is not an offense or sin.

It does not mean that you are unworthy in the eyes of the Lord. Rather, it could mean so much more, and work out for your own good in the end. The word of God says that God can never test us beyond what we can bear.

He allows tests into our lives for different reasons that are meant for our spiritual growth. And, sometimes for the preparation of greater things that await us in the future.

James 1:12 (NIV) – “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when He has stood the test, He will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.”

There are always great testimonies and miracles after standing the test.

Embarking on a spiritual journey often involves experiencing moments of doubt and uncertainty. You might encounter challenges that test your faith, resilience, and trust in a higher power.

These trials can be perplexing and even disheartening, but they are integral to personal and spiritual growth.

Here are a few Signs God is Testing You:

We often go through vigorous training in schools and colleges. But, before we are promoted to the next grade, we are given exams or tests to test our eligibility.

The students who pass the exams are often promoted to the next class. Those who fail are asked to retake the exams. In the same manner, God tests us to prove if we eligible for the glory of His kingdom.

2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV) – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

God tests us to see if we are faithful enough to be His trustworthy workmen. How does God test us?

  • When our Stand in Christianity is Tested

God allows some things to happen in our lives so that He may know where our stand in Christianity is. Many Christians fail this test because they are never aware it is God testing them.

Most of them get scared of the risks involved in acknowledging their faith in Christianity, and end up denouncing God. God tested the stands of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Their story is outlined in the book of Daniel 3:1-30. King Nebuchadnezzar had made an image of gold, and wanted all the people in Babylon to bow to it and worship it.

A decree was made that anyone who failed to worship the idol was to be thrown into a blazing furnace. However, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not worship the idol when the flutes sounded. They defended their stand in the one true God.

Daniel 3:18 (NIV) – “But even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold that you have set up.”

This was a very difficult test, but the three men of God stood it.

  • When God is Silent or We Experience Delayed Answers to Our Prayers

The Bible says that God is always ready to listen and answer us when we call out on Him. However, this is not always the case every time we pray. You might have experienced this on one or more occasions.

We are often drawn into thinking that God has rejected our prayers. This can be dangerous to the faith of Christians if they are not aware that God is testing them. T

he devil uses such opportunities to lure a Christian into wicked and ungodly ways that seem to work fast. Do not ever try to compromise your faith in God when you experience delayed answers to prayers.

  • When We God Tests Our Integrity

God tests our integrity in different ways. What would you do if your boss accidentally dropped some money at a period when you were facing financial constraints? Tests of integrity come when no one is watching us. And, our respect for the Lord is what will make us stand the test.

Psalms 139:23 (NIV) says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”

The Lord tests our thoughts and our hearts to prove our integrity. Joseph’s integrity was tested by God when Potiphar’s wife tried to lure him into sin, and he stood the test.

His story is outlined in the book of Genesis 39:1-23. Can you stand for Jesus and choose Him again and again even when no one is around to keep watch on you? Tests of integrity are also signs that God is testing our relationships.

How do you behave when your partner is not around? Do you stand the test?

  • When God Tests Us to Sacrifice Something

Abraham, the great icon and the father of faith was tested by God. The Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, to Him.

Abraham stood this test, and through that, he is now considered as the father of all nations and the father of faith. The story about Abraham’s test of sacrifice is outlined in the book of Genesis 22:1-19.

Genesis 22:1-2 (NIV) – “Sometime later, God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.””

God will test us in different ways to see if we can sacrifice what we hold dear for Him. It might not necessarily be the sacrifice of a child as in the case of Abraham.

We might be tested to sacrifice our jobs, leisure time, relationships or wealth for the sake of God’s kingdom. Can you give up watching that favorite movie to have time for overnight prayers at church? That is a test of sacrifice, and is one of the ways God will test you.

  • When We Face Life Challenges

James 1:2-4 (NIV) – “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

Not all challenges are normal as many are in the habit of saying. Some challenges come into our lives as tests. And, God instructs us to consider it pure joy when we are tested.

Life challenges develop our perseverance and faith in the Lord. Through life challenges, we are able to acknowledge the Sovereignty of God over our lives. God will test you before your breakthrough and also before He blesses you.

When you face life challenges, be keen and find out if it is God testing you, and be still so that He can refine you for greater glory.

  • When We Lose Everything

Sometimes God may feel like we are putting too much of our attention into our possessions rather than in Him. When such happens, He makes us lose everything to see if we could still be faithful to Him.

After standing this test, He restores everything in good measure. An example of a hero in the Bible who lost everything but remained faithful to God is Job. This man, Job, lost all his wealth, including his children.

However, God later made him prosperous again, and made Job have twice as much as he had before. This is outlined in Job 1 and 2. God tests us in such ways. We may find ourselves asking, ‘why is God testing me so much?’ But, He does so with no bad intention.

  • When God Tests Our Perseverance and Endurance

The word of God says that the suffering that we go through cannot be compared to the glory and the greatness that awaits us, (Romans 8:18).

We only have to endure and persevere. God tests if we can acknowledge Him in bad times before He blesses us with good things.

  • When God Tests Our Patience

Patience is one of the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit. God calls us to exercise patience with Him, and with our fellow human beings. Patience is fruitful as it gives us an opportunity to receive the best from God.

Jacob’s patience was tested when he was asked to work for seven more years to marry Rachel. Sometimes, God denies us that job to see if we are patient enough with Him. And, after standing this test, He blesses us with our dream job.

There are many things that we miss out just because our patience is being tested. But, later on, after we have been patient enough, God manifests Himself with good things in our lives.

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) – “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

God may promise us something that we could not even imagine to possess. He might promise you something that has very low chances of happening to test it you can trust Him.

As Hebrews 11:1 states, we need to have hope in those things that are not visible to us. When God promised that He would bless Abraham with a son, Sarah laughed in disbelief.

She could not figure out having a baby at her age. When God promises you something that seems impossible, it could be that He is testing you. Do not sarcastically laugh out loud like Sarah.

Rather, have trust in God’s message like Abraham, and the Lord will surely make His visitation and fulfil His promise.

  • When We Face Financial Constraints

Are you aware that sometimes we experience lack because God is testing us? It is one of the ways through which God tests us.

Philippians 4:19 (NIV) says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

God is the one who provides us with everything that we need, including finances. He might withhold finances in our lives to see if we could still depend on Him as the sole provider of silver and gold.

  • When We Get Struck by Illnesses

Some illnesses attack us to test our faith in God and His healing power. God allowed the devil to inflict sores on Job’s skin as a way of testing his faith, (Job 2:7-10). Whenever you fall sick, trust that the Lord will restore you to good health as He promises in Jeremiah 30:17.

  • When God Blesses Us Beyond Our Expectation.

God does not only use negative occurrences to test us. He also uses good situations to test our hearts and our thoughts.

Luke 12:15 (NIV) – Then He said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

Jesus said these words to His followers as He narrated to them the parable of the man who was richly blessed by God, (Luke 12:16-21).

The man did not honor God with what He had received. He made plans to make merry and enjoy on his own. However, God cautioned Him that He was going to die that very night. How do we behave when God blesses us with good things in abundance?

  • When God Tests Us to Give

God tests our hearts to see if we are compassionate and kind. He tested the heart of the widow of Zarephath before blessing her.

The widow had only a handful of flour and oil left, but she prepared it for Elijah. How often do you express kindness and compassion to those in need? God tests us in such ways before He releases His blessings upon us.

What Do You Need to Do When God is Testing You?

When you are going through the test of God;

  • Keep trusting in the Lord, (Psalms 62:8).
  • Be patient with God (Romans 12:12).
  • Be still for God to guide you (Psalms 46:10).
  • Pray for the wisdom of God to help you sail through the test successfully (Proverbs 4:6-7).

Whatever comes your way, see to it that you do not sin.

In conclusion;

God will always test us to keep us in track and in line with His will. We should be alert in the spirit to know if what we are going through is actually a test. Hope you will be strong and mature enough in the spirit to stand God’s test! God bless you!

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