It’s obviously a known fact that God is the very source of life. And He desires to have sincere fellowship with us.
There are certainly great rewards for those who make this sacrifice in spite of other commitments. So, what are the top benefits of spending time with God?
Astounding, beautiful, and lasting blessings await everyone who abides in His presence.
God has proven this fact over and again in millions of lives across the globe. He has undeniably redeemed, healed, delivered, provided, protected, and promoted. The great thing is that He still does these things today.
He is filled with enough love, mercy, and grace to go around all of humanity. God has the power to grant our requests.
More so, He is eager to. However, in order to access Him, we need to cultivate the habit of spending time with God.
Table of Contents
Why Should We Spend Time With God?
Because of all the events, we need to cram into the day, 24 hours seems not to be enough. Therefore, it is important we choose how we spend our time wisely. On the list of our priorities, God should be number one.
Firstly, we need His grace and strength in order to overcome life’s unending challenges. Secondly, we require His awesome power to successfully achieve all that we need to.
Thirdly, He has numerous amazing promises for those who dare to trust Him. In short, we need to spend time with God because we simply cannot do without Him.
What Are 13 Great Benefits Of Spending Time With God?
Imagine you have two kids. The first enjoys being around you. You both could spend hours on end conversing, exchanging ideas, laughing. The second, however, is thrilled by the idea of independence.
Therefore, he goes off on his own and barely speaks a word to you. So, the question here is, who among these two do you suppose will have your favor? Most definitely the first.
This is exactly how it works with God. We are unquestionably made in His own image. Many of the emotions we feel as parents are reflections from Him. Consequently, the longer we stay with Him, the more we become endeared to Him.
Since God is life, spending time with Him means that we get revitalized. Our souls are without doubt nourished by His Word. His expectations and promises are made bare to us.
Furthermore, the things that used to terrify us lose their potency because we have come in contact with the Almighty.
The top benefits of spending time with God are:
- The ability to hear and recognize His Voice
- A complete and positive character transformation
- An enlightened and renewed mind
- Supernatural wisdom and ability
- Unshakeable peace and stability
- Abiding Joy
- Great faith and patience
- Divine favor, speed, and ease
- Answers to prayers
- Divine influence
- All-round progress
- Divine protection and preservation
- The assurance of Heaven for all eternity
The Ability To Hear And Recognize His Voice:
The more time we spend with God, the more we are overcome with awe of His character and awesome power. Meanwhile, we inevitably begin to fall in love with Him and become increasingly attentive to His voice.
God speaks clearly through different means. Because we have spent time in His presence, our spiritual senses become attuned to His voice.
So whether He speaks through the mouth of a child, His ministers; the Bible, a situation, or a still small voice, we instantly capture it. This way, God leads His children significantly into all truth and safety.
A Complete And Positive Character Transformation:
It is basically impossible to stay with somebody for a prolonged period and not imbibe aspects of such a one. God is holy and full of love.
By studying His Word, we finally see the light and understand what true righteousness clearly means. A great desire to please Him fills us.
As a result of this, we cannot help but imitate Him. More so, we begin to see things through His eyes.
To start with, sin in all its dimensions becomes repulsive. Secondly, the stains and negativity that marred our character in the past get blotted away.
In all, when we look unto Jesus, we become like Him. Selflessness replaces selfishness, calm replaces anger and agitation, purity replaces uncleanness.
An Enlightened And Renewed Mind:
When we abide with Him, something powerful begins to happen to our minds. Firstly, we begin to see this world for what it truly is: transient.
Secondly, the Word of God reveals to us that at the end of time, everything on earth will be burnt off completely.
In light of this, the glitz, glamour, riches, fame, and earthly achievements lose their luster altogether. They no longer attract and rule our lives the way they used to.
God enlightens our minds to a powerful reality. Only works done for His Glory and for the advancement of His Kingdom will eventually survive the flames. Only these will matter in eternity.
To end with, Spending time with God helps us focus our attention and energy on the things that truly matter and are rewardable.
Supernatural Wisdom And Ability:
God evidently created this world and all its content is absolute wisdom. When we spend time with Him, He places this wisdom upon us.
Meanwhile, the situations that used to baffle and confound us become plain and clear as day.
Through the Holy Spirit, He grants us abilities that transcend the natural. He gives us the power to perform healings, miracles, signs, and wonders.
In addition, He gives divine strength to carry out impossible tasks, like He did the apostles in the Bible days. He is still the same today as He was then.
Unshakeable Peace And Stability:
The more we know Him, the deeper we begin to understand several things.
Firstly, nobody can overcome a person who is backed up in all areas by the powerful promises of the Creator. Secondly, every adversity can be resolved by His intervention because He is Almighty.
Thirdly, nothing can jolt a person who knows the future and is prepared for it.
This confidence is where the peace basically comes from. We can then relax and smile right in the midst of chaos. Altogether, we obtain stability that cannot be shaken by staying in His presence.
Abiding Joy:
Joy displays merriment for no obvious reason. It stands, whether surrounding circumstances are pleasing or frightening.
The joy God gives is not affected by disaster, loneliness, or disappointment. It amplifies God’s promises and brings about a solid hope. Spending quality time with Him causes it to multiply in our lives.
Joy does not license grief to depress and destroy the person who possesses it. Even as the tears roll down, it is already bubbling from within. It is quickly establishing the fact that soon, everything will be alright.
Great Faith And Patience:
Faith is the first condition for receiving anything from God.
When we spend time with God and are exposed to His word, our faith in Him gets increased.
We understand that the astounding possibilities of the Bible days are only the tip of the iceberg.
God is omnipotent and can do so much more in and through us. This knowledge enables us to patiently wait for His intervention in the situations that challenge us.
Divine Favour, Speed, And Ease:
Because we are endeared to Him, He blesses us with this astounding manifestation of His grace. We no longer have to struggle for the things we need. He supplies all of it smoothly.
Answers To Prayers:
God does not just do this; He exceeds all our expectations. God leaves us and those around us baffled by His speedy and magnificent answers.
All-round Progress:
Spending time with God doesn’t just affect us spiritually. Our financial, material, marital, academic, and all other aspects of our lives are touched. The progress is unlimited!
Also Related: 19 Proven Ways to Trust God Completely.
Divine Influence:
Spending time with God is the surest and most profitable way to gain influence and fame. We begin to touch many lives.
He lives through us and so we bring solutions to people’s problems. We bring His healing. Therefore, they will seek for us the way they sought Jesus while He was here on earth.
Divine Protection And Preservation:
We are untouchable with God. His banner covers us. No harm can come to us when we dwell in His secret place. Nothing can attack someone whose Father commands a host of innumerable mighty angels, and succeed at it.
The Assurance Of Heaven For All Eternity:
This is the best part. As we Spend time with Him here on earth, we are actually paving the way for living with Him after we leave here. Heaven has no sorrow, pain, or struggle. Being there forever is indeed the greatest benefit of all.
Not Spending Time With God Leads To:
- A dangerous complacency.
We feel that all is well and we can get by on our own. This is the delusion of the world that makes people believe that they do not need God.
- The reign of sin and its hurts
The practice of wrong-doing thrives in the absence of God. Its gravity deceptively seems to be lessened. However, the hurts that accompany it are terrible and destructive.
- Exposure to satanic attacks
When we stay away from God, His protection automatically departs from us. The enemy can then strike unhindered and bring all sorts of oppression, affecting every aspect of life.
- Crippling fear
The confidence of being in God’s presence is noticeably absent. Fear comes like a blanket. Fear of the future, of death, of failure, sickness, bad tidings, loneliness, and so on haunt relentlessly.
- Lack of hope
The expectation of deliverance at the end of trying times is also absent. A sense of hopelessness in this life and after death descends, making living unbearable.
- Absence of true and saving wisdom
The wisdom that exists outside God is fleeting and earthly. It cannot get us to eternal bliss with Him. Though it might work at first, it will never be sustained for long. It will surely falter and fail. This engenders unnecessary struggles and hardships.
- Dissatisfaction and emptiness of life
There is a God-shaped hollow in every human being. No amount of achievement or possession can fill it. Only God Himself can. Excluding Him will only cause it to worsen. Nothing outside God can give lasting satisfaction.
- Eternal separation from God
It is impossible to ignore God on earth and end up with Him in Heaven. A life outside God is a life of sin. No sinful person can enter into His Kingdom at the end of time. The eternal abode of such people will unfortunately be hell.
We can see that our destinies are in our hands. God will never force Himself upon anyone. He has granted us free will to choose our paths in life.
It remains His earnest hope that we choose Him. This is the only way we can be truly victorious here on earth and in eternity.
How To Spend More Time With God.
There will always be something vying for our time. Therefore, we must determine our priorities. Consciously carve out time to be alone with God daily. You can start small but start now.
Think deeply and be honest with yourself. What are those unnecessary things that have occupied your time in the past? You need to do away with them and make room for the One that truly matters.
Read and study the Bible with an open heart. Make use of study tools and commentaries. In those pockets of time between your daily schedule, you can do the following:
- Download and listen to sermons by God’s servants.
- Listen to spiritual songs that worship and praise Him.
- Read books and novels written by those redeemed by His blood.
- Watch movies and content that glorify Him.
God is able to give you all that you need and so much more. Today, make a commitment to spend more time with Him and be prepared to see it through faithfully. Now is the best time to begin!