17 Great Benefits Of Seeking God’s Presence

Experiencing the benefits of seeking God’s presence can lead to profound transformations in your life.

As you draw closer to God, you may find a deeper sense of peace and purpose, enabling you to navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience.

Engaging in prayer, meditation, and studying scripture will help you to connect with divine wisdom and guidance.

By seeking God’s presence, you open yourself to a life enriched with love, joy, and a greater understanding of your place in the world.

It is the honor and privilege of every Christian to know God and walk with Him every day. He is the only true and glorious God who created and redeemed us so that we can walk with Him in this life and in the hereafter.

Brother Lawrence related in his book; The Practice of God’s Presence that we should establish ourselves in a sense of God’s Presence by continually conversing with Him.

It was a shameful thing to quit His conversation to think of trifles and fooleries. We should feed and nourish our inner being with high notions of God which would guarantee us immeasurable joy in being devoted to Him.

Many Christians have known God for years and have their sins forgiven through Jesus Christ; they may not know what it means to seek God’s presence and what is expected of those who are called by His name but lack a deep passion or romance with the presence of God.

What does it mean to seek God’s presence?

Matthew 7:7 told us to seek, and we shall find. 1Chronicles 16:11 says we should seek His face (Presence) always. Acts 17:27 also affirmed that God made men seek Him so we find Him.

To seek means to long for or to look for some with keen interest. God’s Presence as earlier discussed in one of our posts is an atmosphere where there is conscious awareness of God and His power.

Seeking God’s presence, therefore, is a longing for an atmosphere of light, glory, and power. Seeking God’s presence is a craving for God through word study, meditation, prayer, and worshipping.

Another way of thinking about seeking God is through the concept of attracting God’s presence.

These are two different ways of saying the same thing. When we draw near to God, He draws near to us.

As the prophet, Azariah said to King Asa in 2 Chronicles 15:2: “The Lord is with you when you are with Him. If you seek Him you will find Him, but if you give up it will leave you.”

The Holy Spirit is the evidence that God is with us. When we seek Him, He pours out His Holy Spirit into our lives individually and collectively.

On the one hand, God is everywhere. He’s not limited to certain people or environments. This is what we need to pay attention to – the presence of God in our lives and in our communities. We want God’s presence on earth as it is in heaven.

Unfortunately, a lot of us (believers) lack the indwelling of God’s presence. The Bible, therefore, admonished us to continue to seek God . . . seek his presence constantly. — Psalm 105:4.

We lack a deep dimension of the manifestation of the presence of God because we ignore His gentle whispers and prompting most times. We rather lean on our own understanding; do things our own way. When we do this, we rob ourselves of His ever-abiding presence.

Sometimes, all God needs from us is nothing but His ever longing for intimacy with Him; a craving that takes us beyond our earthly or worldly desires.

He wants to unveil His face to us; the brightness of his personal character but waiting to see hunger and a thirst that transcends any other desire in us. It’s so beautiful to walk in his presence. Is there a hunger for His presence in you?

Let’s Highlight The Benefits Of Seeking God’s Presence.


  1. Assurance of “Sonship”

The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in us. He bears witness with our spirit that we are truly the sons of God [Romans 8:16].

As children of God, we could doubt whether or not we have access to Him if we don’t have the Holy Spirit. When you have God’s presence dwell in you, you have access to His personality and you can call Him Abba Father!

  1. Identity Confirmation

Every child of God has an identity. Your identity is in Christ Jesus. Acts 17:27 says we should seek God so we can find Him. Verse 28 gave the reason why; “For in Him we live, move, and have our being….” Seeking God’s presence guarantees the confirmation of your identity in God.

  1. Overcoming Challenge

We’ll always face challenges in life as children of God; they are part of the “Making Process.” But guess what! God has promised us His presence so long as we stay within His will.

Isaiah 43:2 says “When you go through deep waters of great troubles, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you’ll not be burnt up, and the flames will not consume you.”

Isn’t this awesome? Can there be any better guarantee than this? This is indeed why we must seek His presence with all zeal and passion. He’s promised to be with us in all situations. All we have to do is crave for more of Him.

  1. Deeper Intimacy with God

Seeking God’s presence enhances a robust relationship with Him. Jeremiah 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you….”

God’s desire for His children is that we get closer to Him. The magnitude of your closeness to Him determines how much of Him you experience as a child of God.

The question is how intimate are you with God? How committed are you to seeking His dace and His presence? How much of Him have you really seen and experienced since you knew Him? Do you really desire to be more intimate with Him?

I guess you know the more you seek God the more intimate you become with Him! For this reason, seeking God’s presence must be a top priority to us.

  1. Joy Overflow

Brother Lawrence in his “The Practice of God’s Presence” has this to say also; “I lived my life in perfect liberty and continual joy.”

God’s presence comes with an abundance of joy; made available for every true seeker of Him. “Thou will show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures forevermore” [Psalms 16:11].

There’s a kind of joy that you can only experience in the process of seeking God; money or any other thing on earth can’t substitute for it. You enjoy this realm of joy in the place of intimacy.

  1. Liberty (Freedom)

It’s a fact the word of the Lord says we are not given the spirit of fear and of a feeble mind, but of boldness. The Holy Spirit propels the Spirit of boldness within us.

God’s presence guarantees liberty. God’s presence deactivates fear and mediocrity. For where God’s presence is, there’s freedom [2Corinthians 3:17]. It’s not possible to have the Master of the universe and go fearful in life. No!

  1. Peace

Real peace is found only in God’s presence. Jesus himself told us He’s given us perfect peace: a kind of peace that surpasses all understanding [John 14:27].

The world has its own kind of peace. Jesus’ peace differs and is eternal. The more you seek and cherish His presence, the more peace you have.

  1. Victory Over the Flesh

We did establish earlier that the Holy Spirit is the presence of God. Hence Galatians 5:16 says; “Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” In other words, focus on seeking the presence of God; you’ll have no space for the flesh.

How desirous are you to ride on the wings of the Holy Spirit?

  1. Restoration Guaranteed

In life, we lose sometimes. As God’s children, He has promised us absolute restoration; but not without His unbeatable presence.

“I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you” [Joel 2:25].

God’s presence restores our losses if only we’ll seek Him and let Him take charge. He is willing to restore all. Will you seek Him?

  1. His Will Unveiled and Prevails

Have you struggled with knowing the will of God for your life? Are you struggling with understanding God’s purpose and desires for your life? No doubt you have to seek God’s face deeper than ever.

If you need to know God’s will and have it prevail in your life’s journey, you need God’s abiding presence. Those who swim in the ocean of God’s presence don’t struggle with understanding what His will is.

Brother Lawrence has so much more to say on this in his book “Living in the Presence of God.”

  1. Wisdom for Living

The presence of God in the life of anyone is wisdom. Messianic Rabbi K.A. also affirmed this in his title; “Experiencing the Supernatural: How to Saturate Your Life with the Power and Presence of God

“The Spirit of the LORD (The presence) will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD” [Isaiah 11:2].

The Spirit of Wisdom accompanies God’s presence. Do you crave God’s presence?

  1. The presence of God brings safety

Do you need safety? Seek God’s presence. When He’s with you, you’re safe.

When you dwell in the secret place (Presence of God) of God, His shadow covers you and shields you from unfavorable climates [Psalms 91:1].

  1. Spiritual Strength and Encouragement

No one waits on the Lord without having his/her strength renewed [Isaiah 40:13].

It’s natural to grow weary or weak in our life’s journey sometimes. When you have the presence of God with you, your life’s journey becomes fun and enjoyable. Your strength is renewed and you can soar and fly high.

  1. Boldness

Fear is completely conquered when you possess God’s presence. God’s presence (Spirit) gives us a sound mind and boldness [2Timothy 1:7].

As sons and daughters of a Lion, we are to be bold as lions and harmless as doves. No one can shut down a man who carries God’s presence. The lion in him/her will naturally roar!

  1. Divine Direction

God’s presence ensures you’re not lost in the wilderness of life.

When we have the Holy Spirit in and around us, He shows us things to come [John 16:13]. God’s presence is light. He shines His light on our path and gives us direction in life.

  1. Power Release

Walking in dominion is a direct function of the power of God; which is propelled by His presence. When God is with you, you can exercise dominion over all forms of satanic manipulations. You can decree and it comes to pass.

That’s what the presence of God can do. Like the Pharisees said of Jesus, He talked like a man with authority (Power). Of course, Jesus had all authority in heaven and on earth given to Him.

  1. Manifestation of Divinity

There’s always the manifestation of divinity in the realm of humanity when God’s presence is in operation.

When His presence arrived in Acts 2, the apostles never remained the same again in their lives. So it is for anyone who seeks to enjoy God’s presence. He/she enjoys a release of God’s glory in a dimension that’s not common among men.

Indeed God’s presence is vital to enjoying the supernatural and the unusual in the midst of His people.

What’s Next?

You wonder why Moses would rather that they remained in a spot if they aren’t guaranteed of God’s presence.

The reason is not farfetched. It’s dangerous, detrimental, and suicidal to take such a journey without the presence of God. Hence Moses insisted in Exodus 33:15 “…If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”

No believer can survive the world systems and operations; especially in this twenty-first century without God’s presence. If you must operate the kingdom lifestyle with absolute dominion, you need more of His presence.

Would you get determined to seek God until you’re sure of His abiding presence? I guess you would do that much more than anything else.

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