7 Great Biblical Priorities for Busy Life

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke12:34(NIV)

Wondering why it’s important to know biblical priorities for a busy life?

It’s because the devil uses busyness to distract us from becoming effective kingdom children.

Many Christians struggle to have a balanced life. They are either too busy to have an intimate relationship with God. Or too spiritual to be productive in other areas of their lives.

This creates a conflict in our lives and blocks us from being who we were made to be.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We can commit ourselves fully to God and also be productive in life.

How do we do that?

By aligning our vision and goals with biblical priorities.

Symptoms of Misplaced Priorities

For us to set our priorities right, we need to know the symptoms of misplaced priorities.

So what are they?

  • Busyness

You can be busy in a good way and for the right reasons. But we have to admit that there is also a bad form of being busy.

See, God did not create us to always be busy. We were created to be productive, and you can be very productive without necessarily being busy.

Cain did not just wake up and offer crops as a sacrifice to God. He tilled the land, watered the crops, and probably put some fertilizer.

He also harvested the crops before taking them to the altar. Cain was busy but not productive. God required an animal sacrifice because blood was for the atonement of sin. (Genesis 4:3-10)

Let us not sin against God like Cain. If you are always busy but have no results to show for it, you’re not productive. And when you’re not productive, then chances are you have misplaced priorities.  

  • Emotional Stress and Pressure

Are you emotionally drained? Tired of all the pressure being brought into your life by the demands of life?

Could it be that you are going through all that because your priorities are misplaced? It could be that you’re trying to get everything done when you could ask someone for help. Or maybe you should not be doing that thing in the first place.

If you’re stressed or under a lot of pressure, try to find the root cause of what you’re going through. Maybe you need to focus on the biblical priorities of a busy life for the pressure to wear off.

  • Prayerlessness

Are you too busy to spend time with the Lord? Would you rather spend time doing other things than pray?

Well, if you’re a true child of God, then your priorities are misplaced. Nothing should ever take the place of God in your life. You need to spend quality time with God even before spending it with family, friends, and business partners. That is why prayer is vital. 

  • Escapism Behavior

At times we try to escape from the realities that are happening in our life by focusing on wrong things.

It could be that God is trying to deal with your heart concerning a particular issue. But you don’t want to deal with the hard truth. So you choose to keep yourself busy with entertainment, gossip, or even ministry work.

Well, escapism behavior will not solve your problems. If anything, it will only escalate your issues. Do not prioritize other things above what God is trying to help you deal with. Allow Him to take you through the process so that you can be sanctified.

What the Bible Says About Priorities: 7 Biblical Priorities


The Bible says that holiness should be a top priority in our lives because we serve a holy God. Every step, move, and decision you make in life should be leading you towards holiness.

But why is that?

Holiness is what sets us apart from the people of this world. It is what makes others know that we are in this world but not of this world. The Bible encourages us to worship God in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives Luke 1:75.

It’s therefore essential for us to ensure that our priorities do not cause us to stray from God. Instead, they should enable us to draw closer and commit to God wholeheartedly.

God has set us apart to be His. Meaning nothing, however good it may seem, should come between our relationship with Him.

We should make sure that we are pursuing the right things and not what the world tells us to. That way, we will sanctify ourselves and be holy before God, according to Leviticus 20:7.

Daily Communion with Christ.

The most common priorities bible verse is found in Matthew 6:33. It teaches us to commune with Christ by seeking first the kingdom of God.

Daily communion with Christ is something that should be continuous. We shouldn’t set a time limit for it. Our whole life, that is, every minute or second of the day, should be an expression of God’s grace. That is why we need to value daily fellowship with God through His son Jesus.

We should constantly grow in Him. For it’s in doing so that we experience and carry out the will of God in all that we do.

Communing with God means putting the focus on Him. Or having a close relationship with God. Much as you may be busy with your work, business, or family, your focus needs to be on God.

It may sound impossible, but it’s not. That’s why the Bible tells us to do everything as unto the Lord. When we do everything as unto God and not man, our focus will be on God. And in essence, we shall be communing with Him throughout the day.


It’s important to get more clients for your business or check that thing off your to-do-list. But it’s better to win more souls for Christ. Jesus left us a divine commission, and that was to spread the gospel of the kingdom to the whole earth. (Mark 16:15)

Soul-winning is not something we do when we feel like it. We do it as an act of obedience to our king. See, Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly.

But not just that, we are called to serve others. Like the good shepherd came to serve us, we are also called to serve the lost sheep.

The busyness of life should not block us from preaching the gospel. They need to know that there is a way out for them. There are people out who are going through a lot. They need our help.

Letting people know about the abundance of grace and love we find in Christ should be our top priority. We need to keep preaching and asking God for grace to continue being strong in faith.

Growth in the Knowledge of His word.

The word of God is food to our souls. It is through studying it that we grow spiritually. The enemy knows this very well, which is why he will do anything to distract you from reading it.

Now, something we should know about the enemy is that he is very cunning. Sometimes he uses something good to make you busy. He can cause you to be too busy serving God that you may fail to spend time in the word.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The word is a powerful weapon that we have been given to use in spiritual warfare. It is by spending quality and quantity time in the word that we become spiritually mature. When you study and meditate on it, the Holy Spirit reveals the deep secrets of the Bible to you.

We need to stop being caught up with the things of this world. And focus on the word of God.

Growing in the word means aligning your life with one of the top biblical priorities for a busy lifeMatthew 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

Eternal Life.

The focal point of every believer should be eternal life.

Sadly, many believers today are focused on the here and now. We don’t take eternal life as something important because we want to enjoy life now.

So we allow so many things to take the place of God. And we keep chasing after the things of this world like wealth and fame.

We forget that all these things belong to God. We came with nothing, and we shall go back to dust with nothing.

When we chase after earthly stuff, we’ll miss out on the great things God has planned for us. We are also likely to miss out on heaven and eternal life. Eternal life should be key and a top priority in our lives, not the temporary things of this world.

We need to be wise like the five virgins (Matthew 25). We should keep our lamps burning as we wait for the groom to come back. For it is only in doing so that we will enjoy eternal life.

Build Intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Are the demands of life weighing you down? Feeling discouraged or exhausted? Do you need a shoulder to cry on?

The Holy Spirit is the best person to turn to when you are overwhelmed with life. Not just that, He is the best friend that you need in your corner every single day of your life.

It is not that He is not always there. It is just many of us are so caught up with life and other relationships. We don’t give Him the priority he deserves in our lives.

Instead of struggling and doing things in your own strength, how about turning to the Holy Spirit for help?

Having a deep intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit should be a priority of every believer. It is the Holy Spirit that leads us in all truth. He’s also the one who empowers us to follow God’s leading and teaches us the word of God.

He testifies about Jesus, comforts us when we are down (John 14:26). He also brings to remembrance whatever God has laid in our hearts.

We need Him in our daily lives to live in ways that are pleasing to God.

Peace with all Men.

One thing that should never be left out in biblical priorities for a busy life is peace, men. Why? This priority also is an excellent tool for winning souls to Christ.

But let’s be clear about one thing having peace with all men is different from being “politically” correct. You can have peace with everyone around you. But you don’t have to go against your Christian beliefs, all in the name of being politically correct. 

See, you don’t have to be right all the time. When Jesus was on earth, He didn’t force people to believe that He was right and they were wrong.

But at the same time, he did not compromise his faith in God to please people. He did what God sent Him to do. He was all about his Father’s business.

Don’t go looking for trouble and use your faith as an excuse. God doesn’t want us to be trouble makers. He wants us to be peaceful people so that we can be the light of the world.

And the salt of the earth. See, when we are peaceful with all men, then we build a good rapport.  Our good actions towards them draw them to us, and we point them to God.

Drawing them to us without any controversies is the key that enables us to win their souls to Christ. Another reason why we need to maintain peace with all men is that without it, we shall not see God (Hebrews 12:14). So let us be intentional about seeking peace with others and God.


Our hearts and daily activities need to set on the right things. That is why we need to know biblical priorities for a busy life. Failure to do so will cause us to chase after wrong things that do not glorify God.

Holiness, peace, intimacy with the Holy Spirit, daily communion with Christ, soul-winning, and eternal life are great priorities.

They should be the kind of things that we seek and chase after. No matter how busy life gets, we should never allow anything to interfere with these biblical priorities.

Remember, we are not here to serve ourselves but to serve our heavenly Father. Please share these priorities for a busy life.

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