Everyone wants to have a happy marriage.
Unfortunately, most marriages get less happy with the time. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.
Table of Contents
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The truth is, your marriage can become better with time if you give it what it takes to succeed.
Perhaps, your marriage is on the verge of falling apart or you’re simply looking to improve it.
Then give these Christian Marriage Books Couples Should Listen to Together that I’m recommending, a shot.
In Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman identifies five basic languages of love.
Then guides couples towards a better understanding of their individual languages of love.
Further, he urges you to learn to speak and understand your partner’s love language.
In no time, you will be able to truly love and feel loved in return.
In fact, skillful communication is within your grasp with this inspiring marriage audio-book.
In this audio-book, Dr. Gottman helps couples focus on each other by urging them to pay attention.
Be thoughtful about simple matters that provide spouses with a solid foundation for resolving conflict when it occurs.
As well as finding strategies for living with those issues that cannot be easily resolved.
No doubt, this book is the definitive guide for spouses who want their relationship to attain its highest potential.
Relationship goals are one sincere and inspiring guide to finding lasting love.
Two, sustaining a healthy relationship by getting real about your goals.
In Relationship Goals, Michael tells the story of his own heartache and healing.
More so, he reveals some real truths from God’s Word. And tells it to you straight, to help you win at relationships in every part of your life.
Additionally, the author examines our most common challenges in relationships.
Michael helps you align your longings with God’s awesome desires for your life.
Also Related: 15 Apps that will Make Your Marriage Better.
The goal of Grace Foolery in this book is to; help you find the roots of your relationship anxiety.
Secondly, you’ll uncover the source of your negative thoughts, jealousy, and conflicts.
Thirdly, learn how to deal with relationship anxiety, understand how to stop your negative thoughts.
As well as how to take jealousy out of your relationship.
Meanwhile, you’ll be able to rebuild your marriage on a new foundation of love, trust, and positive thoughts.
And that’s not even all! You will be able to find real-world, practical tips on how to resolve conflict.
Treat the fear of neglect, and navigate your relationship through the stormy waters of negative thoughts, stress, and pressure.
I recommend without a doubt, this book, which you should get if you want to invest in your relationship.
The Man-God has for You is not one of those how to get a man guides. This dating and relationship book will help you prepare.
As well as position yourself to receive the man who is also waiting to receive you.
This is an amazing book, you won’t get caught up with the man God never intended you to be with.
Also, this amazing book will help you to get ready to recognize and receive the right person.
Interestingly, this amazing piece also has 7 traits to help you determine your life partner when he comes.
Meanwhile, it unveils the underlying issues that may prevent you from recognizing if he’s truly the one for you.
Finally, it provides guidance on how to heal from your past; and be open to the possibilities of embracing love.
In Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples.
Significantly, the author tried to reconcile the erotic and the domestic.
More so, Perel explains why democracy is a passion killer in the bedroom.
She argues for playfulness, distance, and uncertainty. And shows what it takes to bring lust home.
No doubt, this piece is smart, sexy, and explosively original. In fact, Mating in Captivity is an essential bedtime listen.
Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah explained that a wife has one driving need which is to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy.
On the other hand, a husband has one driving need and that is to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy.
Meanwhile, they both point out that when either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.
Basically, Love and Respect reveal why spouses react negatively to each other. And how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily, and biblically.
Dr.Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have already taken the Love and Respect message across America. They are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other.
Perhaps, you want some peace, closeness or you want to feel valued? Or do you want to experience marriage the way God intended?
Then you need to try Love and Respect.
In this book, Henry Cloud and John Townsend show couples, how to apply the 10 laws of boundaries; which can make a real difference in relationships.
First, they help husbands and wives understand the friction points or serious hurts.
As well as betrayals in their marriage. And move beyond them to the mutual care, respect, and intimacy they both long for.
Basically, Boundaries in Marriage will help you: set and maintain personal boundaries and respect those of your spouse.
Establish values that form a godly structure and architecture for marriage. Protect your marriage from different kinds of intruders.
Lastly, you’ll learn to set up new boundaries in areas such as dating, raising kids, parenting teens, and leadership.
Navigating the challenges of long-term commitment takes effort.
However, it just got simpler. This empowering guide will communicate the things that matter most to you and your partner.
John Gottman and Julie Gottman invite couples to explore rewarding dates. Trust, conflict, sex, money, family, adventure, spirituality, and dreams.
Additionally, the interactive activities and prompts provide you with the motivation to stay open. To stay curious, and, most of all, stay talking to each other.
Amazingly, these prompts range from the four skills you need for intimate conversation. To tips on being honest about your needs, while also validating your partner’s own emotions.
In the Meaning of Love, the author tries to turn his attention to the most complex of matters. Which are: our need for love and its expression in marriage.
First, the book starts with the biblical narrative and its pictures of marriage. Secondly, Seche looks at themes of friendship and commitment.
The completion of men and women in each other; singleness, sex, and divorce. As well as ministry and discipleship within the context of marriage.
The truth is, this is a profound and engaging work that will challenge and inspire you. Also, it’s suitable for singles and newlyweds.
Also Related: How to keep God’s Presence in your Marriage.
The Good Fight: Wanting to Leave, Choosing to Stay, and the Powerful Practice for Loving Faithfully.
First, in this incredible book, Jana Kramer and Michael Caussin explore the raw and real moments of their marriage.
Second, it talks about what it means to love, to fight, and to sincerely forgive – with spiritual guidance.
You will find practical advice for anyone seeking stronger, more fulfilling love.
From the beginning of this inspiring book, Mike and Jana provide an insight into the kind of everyday arguments.
That drives even the happiest couples apart. They share how they would have separated.
And how they discovered something priceless: while fighting under the worst possible circumstances.
They learned how to fight for each other with respect, kindness, humor, and faith.
The book reveals how one couple decided to honor their forever love by battling it out and staying together.
With honesty and warmth, Jana and Mike walked us through the details of the most complicated fights of their past.
Additionally, they show listeners how they’ve communicated, prayed, forgiven.
Radically embraced each other to live their happiest, most fulfilling lives possible.
They also offer lessons, anyone – married, dating, single – can use to give and receive lasting love.
In this book, Kim Holderness and Penn Holderness makes an argument, backed by both academic research and well-timed poop jokes.
To start with, he advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. According to them, once we stop running or avoiding and start confronting painful truths.
We’ll begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, and forgiveness we seek. Unquestionably, this book is a refreshing slap to help us lead contented, grounded lives.
Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or it’s strong; this 40-day journey challenges couples to understand. And practice unconditional love.
Perhaps, you desire greater intimacy, friendship, and fulfillment in your marriage, then start where millions have started. With a dare.
This beautiful audiobook now features revised chapters, new bonus material. As well as access to a free online marriage evaluation.
Trust me, this is the best Love Dare experience ever!
I love this marriage audiobook for a number of reasons.
First, it’s actually a therapy program that focuses on the emotional connection of every relationship.
By reducing conflict, creating a safe emotional connection, and strengthening bonds between partners.
Meanwhile, in Hold Me Tight, Dr. Sue Johnson presents her highly effective therapy model to the general public.
Through case studies from her practice, illuminating advice, and practical exercises. Couples will learn how to nurture their relationships and ensure a lifetime of love.
15. Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?
In Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas uncovers how your marriage can become a doorway. To a closer walk with God and each other.
First, Thomas starts by explaining that God’s primary intent for your marriage could be to make you holy. Not just happy.
Secondly, it could be that your relationship isn’t as much about you and your spouse. As it is about you and God.
Hence, starting with the discovery that the goal of marriage goes beyond personal happiness.
Gary Thomas invites you to see how God can use marriage as a discipline. And a motivation to love God more and reflect more on the character of his son.
In addition to life-transforming insights, you’ll find practical tools to make your marriage happier. By becoming a holier husband or wife.
Significantly, Sacred Marriage reveals how good marriages: train us to love God and others well.
Expose sin and makes us more aware of God’s presence. Foster good prayer life. Cultivate a sexual relationship that feeds the spiritual life.
Also, it comes with provocative discussion questions for couples and small groups, this audiobook will most certainly change you.
Overall, whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer union with God.
In this book, you’ll learn how children, work, or hobbies can stand in the way of your relationship.
Next, you’ll discover who can meet your deepest needs.
Additionally, you’ll see what makes a destructive husband or wife. And find out how to make your spouse a priority in your marriage.
By following the four fundamental laws of marriage outline, you’ll find new peace and satisfaction in your marital relationship.
Even if you are the only one trying to improve your marriage. Clearly, Marriage on the Rock deals with all the major issues a couple will encounter.
Jimmy Evans discusses practical real-life challenges and offers easy-to-understand solutions. Even if you’re the only one willing to work on the relationship.
Firstly, this relationship guide takes the struggle out of overcoming neediness.
Secondly, it provides clear and easy explanations, of how you’ll quickly begin to experience closer relationships.
And by overcoming neediness, you will become more confident and attractive.
Interestingly, you will be encouraged to discover that for every damaging behavior you have.
There is a positive, secure behavior that you can substitute.
By switching to a more secure way of relating, you will become more attractive.
Have a long-term, satisfying relationship that is less work for you and less work for your partner.
In addition, this audiobook includes a chapter on how to help your partner overcome neediness.
Overall, Dr. Ito uncovers the behaviors that needy people have which drive partners into the arms of someone else.
Therefore, if you find yourself putting a lot of effort into fixing your relationship; only to make things worse, this audiobook is for you.
This terrific audiobook is a three-hour, conversational listen, that will help you discover the whats, whys.
The book reveals the how of one of the most valuable communication skills – validation.
Hence, if you’re looking to improve your relationship with your spouse; this book delivers simple, practical, proven techniques for achieving that.
According to the author, mastery of this simple skill will enable you to calm. And even get rid of the concerns, fears, and uncertainties of your spouse.
Secondly, you’ll be able to increase feelings of love, respect, and appreciation in your romantic relationships.
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to quickly resolve and prevent arguments. How to help your spouse become open to your point of view. And how to give advice and feedback that sticks.
Lastly, I’d encourage you to give the principles and practices in this book a chance. And you’ll be amazed at the difference they can make.
In this classic book, Dr. Willard F. Harley identifies the 10 most important needs of men and women.
Secondly, he shows husbands and wives how to make their marriage better by satisfying those needs of their spouses.
Thirdly, he provides guidance for becoming irresistible to your spouse and for loving more creatively and sensitively; thereby eliminating the problems that often lead to conflict and even extramarital affairs.
Summarily, in this book, you will discover that an outstanding marriage can be more than a dream. It can actually become your reality!
These top 19 Audio Marriage Books Couples Should Listen to Together come highly recommended.
First, they’re well suited to couples having rocky relationships.
And to those simply looking for ways to improve their already good marriages.
Your marriage can enjoy endless sweetness.
That’s the reason I’ve presented these Christian marriage Books Couples Should Listen to Together.
Make the most use of these incredible resources to fix your relationship. Or to make it even more beautiful than it already is.