Build your faith by embarking on a transformative journey that deepens your spiritual connection and enhances your resilience.
Faith is more than just belief; it’s a source of strength, hope, and guidance in life’s most challenging moments.
By engaging in regular prayer, studying sacred texts, and participating in a supportive community, you can nurture and grow your faith.
Some biblical stories are unusual stories, full of difficult events that will build your faith.
At first, it was hard for me to understand why God allowed these characters to go through such situations. But, understanding the pedagogy of God, I began to understand that these stories contain teachings for our life.
Most Christians ask a question such as: How can I increase my faith? How do we acquire faith? How do you exercise your faith in God?
So below are stories that will help in Building Your Faith, Strengthening Your Faith, Build Your Faith and Confidence, and also increase your faith in Christ.
Table of Contents
Sara’s story.
Abram’s wife went through her own faith struggle while Abram was going through his. She was barren for many years and passed as Abram’s sister twice before different kings.
Eleven years passed after God’s promise for a son, and her struggle led to a bad plan that ended with the birth of Ishmael.
But the promise was that she would have a son, not just Abram.
Thirteen years after the birth of Ishmael, God declared his promise of a son three more times for a total of seven. After the seventh time, Sara laughed, unable to imagine having a child at her age.
But nothing is too difficult for the Lord.
Joseph and his brother’s story.
I love this story; it is my favorite from the Old Testament and it will help you to build your faith. Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel.
Jacob loved Joseph more than his brothers because he was the son of his old age. His brothers, blinded by envy, plotted evil against him and sold him as a slave to Egypt (Genesis 37:28).
At first, he was afraid and felt abandoned by his Lord, but after a time of purification and abandonment, the Lord showed him his presence and he became an interpreter of Pharaoh’s dreams. Thus, Joseph predicted a time of famine that would ravage the entire region.
He was appointed governor and in the years of plenty, he stored surplus food. People came from all over to buy supplies for the shortage, including his brothers from Canaan.
Joseph‘s meeting with them was painful but very reconciling.
Joseph’s story is incredible. It is a story full of God’s actions. It is the story of our life, a life in which we believe we have everything under control, but in which the love of God breaks our pride and shows us a different path.
Ruth the Moabite woman’s story.
Ruth was a Moabite woman. After Naomi and Elimelech, along with their sons (because of famine) had to leave their home in Bethlehem, Ruth married Mahlon. The men died and Naomi, Ruth, and Orpha were a widow.
Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, and Ruth, because of her affection for her, left with her. She left her land and her religion and embraced the land and the faith of Nohemí. When they arrived in Bethlehem, the barley harvest began.
Ruth gleaned the fields to earn a living and support her mother-in-law. In that job, he met Boaz, a relative of Naomi, who treated her kindly and then fell in love with her.
Boaz bought the inheritance from Mahlon and thus, according to Hebraic law (Deuteronomy 25, 5-10) acquired the right to marry Ruth. His first-born son was Obed, the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David.
The story of Ruth is one of the most beautiful stories about a woman in the Old Testament that will build your faith, her faithfulness and strength are compared to those of Mary since Jesus came from her offspring.
The Maccabean mother’s story.
This mother saw her seven children die on the same day, but we see her tremendous strength of mind and the strength of her hope. On the other hand, on her lips, some expressions loaded with theological meaning are placed. she proclaims God as Lord of human life.
It links faith in the creator God with faith in the Resurrection and offers us the assurance that the God of life will more than repay those who have given their lives out of fidelity to her will.
She encouraged each of them in their native language and, full of generous feelings and stimulating their female reflections with manly ardor, she said to them: I don’t know how you appeared in my gut, nor was it I who gave you spirit and life Nor did I organize the elements of each one.
For in this way the Creator of the world, the one who shaped man at his birth and projected the origin of all things, will return your spirit and life with mercy, because now you do not look for yourselves because of his laws »(2 Maccabees 7, 20-23).
The father of a sick child’s story.
I love this story: Here is a father with a son who is dumb and has seizures. He takes his son to the disciples of Jesus to be healed and there is no difference. Struggling with his faith, he takes his son to Jesus and asks if Jesus can help. Jesus points to your faith.
But knowing that he is struggling with his faith, the father answers honestly asking for help to win his fight of faith with the words “I believe, help my unbelief”, and Jesus brought victory.
Jesus will help us win our fighting matches by his grace
Elijah in the wilderness’s story.
Elijah is known for prophesying drought and subsequently being fed by ravens and widows before his epic challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Horeb. His faith caused the Lord God to respond with fire; Elijah killed all the false prophets and then prophesied the rain.
But when the king’s wife, Jezebel, found out about all this, she threatened Elijah’s life. Elijah’s humanity sprang into action as he ran for his life, he sat under a broom bush struggling with his faith and praying to die.
The Lord responded compassionately by feeding him, graciously correcting him, and giving him a new purpose before he took him to heaven in a chariot of fire.
Moses’s story.
Moses One of the most prominent figures in the Bible suffered many battles of faith wrestling.
He struggled to believe that he could free his people from Egypt after murdering an Egyptian and being rejected by his Hebrew brothers. After this, he ran into the desert until the moment when the Lord appeared to him in the burning bush.
But when God called him back from where he had fled, he struggled with his faith with questions like what if they don’t believe or listen to me? Moses struggled with God’s response, claiming that he could not speak in public. Frustrated with Moses, the Lord allowed his brother Aaron to help him.
Every wrestling match Moses encountered had the grace of God.
David’s story.
He was known as a man after God’s own heart, but David was no stranger to struggling with his faith. The book of Psalms is full of your questions and your pain, as well as your victories.
David struggled with his faith after Nabal treated his men incorrectly. Once again, when Ziklag was destroyed, they took his wife away and his men talked about stoning him.
Also, there was a time when he stayed home after the war, committed adultery with Bathsheba, and killed his husband after finding out he was pregnant, and these are just three examples.
David always emerged from his struggles of faith worshiping the Lord
Maria and Marta’s story.
Jesus spent a lot of time with these two sisters, along with his brother Lazarus. They followed him, served him, and listened to him, but they still struggled with their faith. His brother got sick when Jesus was out of town and they sent for him.
But Jesus didn’t come right away. Lazaro died, and the sisters struggled with thoughts like “if you had been here, he would not have died.” Jesus reminded them that he was the resurrection and the life. They believed until the last day, but they struggled with him at that moment.
Because Jesus is who he says he is, Lazarus was resurrected that very day.
Abram’s story.
Abram is known as the father of our faith and his story will always help you to build your faith in God at all times.
I was intimidated by Abram’s faith until I learned how much he struggled with it and how the struggle did not prevent him from receiving from God. The Bible tells us that because he believed in God, justice was done. It sounds instant and easy.
However, it took God to tell Abraham the promise seven times before Abraham was fully convinced. The sixth time God promised, Abraham fell facedown and laughed. After this, God told him to name the son Isaac (which means laughter). This gives me great hope.
Abraham is an example that even if we keep fighting, we can win.
Jesus Christ’s story
Jesus Christ knew who He was and how He was going to die. He said: “When you have raised up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own, but only speak what the Father has taught me.”
But in the garden of Gethsemane, he felt our humanity under intense pressure. He asked if there was another way. He knew there wasn’t, and he stuck with what he knew and fulfilled his mission of giving his life for us.
The lifestyle of Jesus is a good example that will build your faith, he gained everything for us in his wrestling match and his. He declared it is finished!
With the above examples, we realized that faith is putting trust in something or someone like these biblical characters did. When your faith is being challenged, questions force us to fight to keep our trust where we place it.
Remember the promises of God, and the prayers He answered in your life.
This can quell the questions of “what if and why”, and that will surely build your faith in God. Just as a child reaches out to a parent, we can choose to reach out to God through prayer by reminding ourselves that He is greater than our opponent.