12 Proven Ways To Grow Faith in God

Faith in God serves as a steadfast anchor in the storms of life. It offers believers a sense of purpose, hope, and strength, allowing them to navigate challenges with resilience and confidence. Faith isn’t merely a belief in the unseen; it’s an active trust in God’s plan and His presence in every aspect of life.

Matthew 17:20 tells us that faith as small as a mustard seed allows us to accomplish great things.  The mustard seed is very small but grows into one of the biggest trees known. The measure or amount of faith one has is therefore not a measure of what they can achieve.

12 Proven Things That Will Grow Faith in God
Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash

“Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things-with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope,” Corazon Aquino.

It is stated in Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (New Revised Standard Version). We often say “seeing is believing” but faith is about believing without seeing as we see in the verse quoted.

How we grow our faith in God is dependent on the following:

1. The hearing of the Word of God.

Faith has an origin which is the word of God. As we hear of God’s doings, faith develops.  So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. Romans 10:17

2. Constantly ask and expect things in the realm of faith.

  In the realm of the physical sense, the enemy will overpower you as you will walk by sight and not by faith.  Faith is not physically tangible; hence it cannot be grasped in the physical sense. Pray in faith.

Ask for the impossible and expect it to be possible.  Matthew 19: 26 …For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” (New Revised Standard Version)  Carry within yourself the sense that you’re dealing with a God who specializes in making what’s impossible possible.

3. Keep a journal of the victories God has given you.

When the Israelites came out of Egypt, God asked them, to continually speak of what God had done for them. When we expect and receive things as a result of faith, we should make sure we remember.

Write down each victory for future reference.This will help your faith be strong the next time you pray. It will continually give you the conviction that God is still able to do it for you.

4. Do not forsake the meeting together of the brethren.

Jesus gave a parable of the man who left the 99 sheep to go look for the one. Faith grows cold if it cannot draw heat from fellow believers.  The Bible continues to say that people should not forsake the meeting together of brethren.

If one does not fellowship with fellow brethren, the faith will lose its fire and eventually die. It is like removing one coal from the fire, it quickly goes out.

5. Endure discomforting situations.

Most of us we have a flight tendency in all situations that make us uncomfortable. However, we should realize tests are sent to make the Christian strong.

Growth is facilitated by difficult situations that may require you to endure to the end. If we resist difficult situations, we resist growth. Growth is necessary for your faith to have endurance and to be strong.

Every time you quit a situation, you fail a faith test. What you haven’t passed prevent you from accessing the next level of your faith.

6. Continually take actions of faith.

Faith is exercised in how you tackle various situations.  You must continually make sure you exercise faith even in small issues. That’s how you develop muscle to face bigger issues when they arise.

A weight lifter doesn’t lift weights on the day of the competition but continually trains his body. You cannot expect to do easily what you haven’t practiced before.

Even though faith is a conviction of things not seen, it’s as practical as it can get. Get practical with your faith and you will get your reward.

God rewards actions of faith, no matter how small.  James 1:23-25 states that a doer who acts will be blessed in his faith. Do not wait for insurmountable problems to act on your faith, act now!

7. Resist responding to things in fear.

Situations will always arise that will require you to respond. It is important how you react to situations, either by fear of faith. Fear is not of God; always respond from a position of faith.

Furthermore, every promise of God to his children is attained only through faith. If you have faith, you please God and you are assured of a reaction in heaven. Hence we can safely say that faith is the currency of heaven.

8. Move past the feelings of fear.

We all experience fear whether we admit it or not. These feelings come as a barricade to what lies beyond. Only faith can access the possibilities beyond, but you must overcome the fear first.

As you meet each challenge, you will have to resist fear, avoid walking in the flesh and doubt. However, let’s not forget that faith is a defensive weapon.

It works against the enemy according to Ephesians 6:16. With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one”. (New Revised Standard Version).

9. Put your faith in action.

James 2:14,“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?.”  Words are not enough to show your faith. Actions  testify whether you have faith or not.

An act of faith is pertinent if you are to say you are a woman/man of faith. Accompany what you say with what you do and you shall soar in faith.

10. Demonstrate an unwavering position in the mind.

For you to be a champion of faith, you must see yourself victorious. When Peter walked on water, he began to sink when he started considering what was around him.

Resist the urge to consider the negative circumstances around you and you shall see your faith bear fruit. The mind will always react to what the eyes see. Our sight gives the mind a visual of what’s around us, but we can choose to walk by faith and not by sight.

11. Step out in obedience.

At times, you will be required to obey God’s word when you would rather not. However, obedience is an important element in growing one’s faith. It may not be popular but God’s word operates in the obedience to it.

Remember faith is not verbal; faith is what you put in action for faith without actions is dead. You won’t show obedience by knowledge of God’s word, but by what you do with the word of God.

  Genesis 22:1-3. After these things God tested Abraham”. He said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you.”

Abraham is considered the Father of Faith. He journeyed to an unknown place because God told him to go. He was willing to sacrifice his very promise to please God.

12. Be willing to pay the price.

Any time you dare to do something in faith, someone will try to show you how impossible it is. Faith is not popular and it will not be the craze with those around you.

Most of the times it is a personal journey that you have to take by yourself. You will pay the price of looking like a fool, but you will rejoice once your faith is rewarded. Keep the faith at all cost! Do not be disheartened by others.

The more you grow in faith, the easier and more exciting it becomes to operate in it. You have much more to gain by growing your faith, soldier on!


These are the ways that will help you grow in your faith. It isn’t a light task because of the very nature of faith which is unseen. However, it is not impossible as all you need is faith as small as a mustard seed.

In Hebrews 11 it speaks of how the champions of faith subdued nations, obtained good reports and received their promises and much more.

These were people who dared to believe the impossible and they did attain it nevertheless. Joseph, for instance, requested them to take his bones with them when God delivered them from Egypt.

This was a promise attained 430 years later, an indication that faith doesn’t fail, irrespective of time. If you follow the above points then it shall not be difficult to grow your faith. But as everything else that grows, give it time and exercise patience and you will see undeniable results.

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