I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1 Timothy 2:1 (NIV)
Though the benefits of praying for others are many, it is challenging to do so. Why? It’s easy to get caught up with our own problems that it becomes hard to pray for others. Secondly, people are challenging to handle. Yes, you may pray for them. But it doesn’t mean that they will treat you right.
But do you know that there’s power in praying for others? When we take time to pray for others, we are actually expressing love to them. Doing so also expresses God’s character of love. patience and sacrifice for man. (Galatians 6:2)
Now, some people believe that only certain people in the body of Christ should pray for others. But that is a misconception that has led to manipulations and deceit in the church. God expects each one of us to pray for others irrespective of our gifts or position in the church.
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Below are 13 Awesome Benefits of Praying for Others.
And here is why:
Increases Our Love for People
God created us differently. Some of us find it so easy to be around others. But some find it hard to relate with people.
No matter the case dealing with people is challenging. You can love people with your own strength, but a time will come when they will not appreciate it. They will still blame you, especially if things don’t go their way. The best way to love people is through prayer.
When we pray for people, God works not just on their hearts but also ours. It becomes easier for us to love them, however difficult it may be. Prayer helps us to see other people as children of God. And as such, we can love them unconditionally.
If you struggle to love people because they are hard to deal with, consider praying for them.
Helps us to Stand with them in Hard Times
We are all going through some form of challenge. Some people don’t mind sharing their problems, but others find it hard to do so. If God puts someone’s name in your mind, don’t ignore it. Maybe they are going through a difficult time.
Don’t allow someone’s dressing or smile to fool you. Ask God to put the right words in your mouth so that you can pray for others accordingly. Praying for others will cause you to unknowingly hold someone’s hand during their darkest time in life. (Philippians 2:3-4)
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you so that you can pray timely prayers for your loved ones and friends.
Prayer Changes People
Do you have a desire to see someone walk in the ways of the Lord? Wondering how to make that happen? It could be that you have preached the word to one of your friends or neighbors. But they haven’t given their life to Christ yet, and you are beginning to feel discouraged.
Change is among the many benefits of praying for others. Well, you don’t have to give up now. Instead, pray for their hearts so that God can work on them and help them to change. See, there is so much we can do to change the other person.
Only God can deal with someone’s heart so that they can be open to hearing His word. Instead of trying to use your own strength to change others. How about turning to God and asking Him for help.
Praying for Others Helps us to walk in Obedience
The real children of God will always want to please their Father because they love Him so much. But at times, we find ourselves struggling to please God. We struggle to walk in obedience and hence end up messing up.
All through the Bible, we are told to love and pray for one another. The Bible encourages us to pray for those in leadership, our loved ones, and even strangers. So one of the benefits of praying for others is that it enables us to walk in obedience to God’s word.
It will not be easy because all we want to do is tell God about our problems. But no matter what, make it a habit to include other people in your prayers. It may be hard at first, but it will become easy to do it as time goes on. (Philippians 2:4)
Helps them to Have Discernment
Knowledge is good, but it can also lead you astray. Today many people are not willing to work on their personal relationship with God. Why? They believe that their pastors or church leaders will help them get close to God. So very few people are taking the initiative of working on their relationship with God,
The danger in this is that there are wolves in sheep clothing, leading believers away from the gospel of Christ. Many men of God only care about their comfort, and their hearts are not indeed for the things of God. So they are leading people away with their false teachings.
One of the benefits of praying for others is that prayer will cause God to open their spiritual eyes. They will be able to have the discernment to differentiate true men of God from the false ones.
Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit
The Bible tells us that the Spirit will teach us all things. This means that if we need to learn anything, we can go to the Holy Spirit.
He is willing and ready to teach us something that we do not know. And this is not just limited to the word of God. The Spirit of God can teach you how to take care of your bodies or solve marital problems.
But in a world full of experts, many people, including Christians, are turning to fellow men for help instead of the Holy Spirit. Most of us run to people when we are in trouble instead of God. We are busy following world experts instead of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, most of these experts are leading us astray.
Those who submit to the Holy Spirit should pray for others to also follow his lead. Let us pray for them so that they can flee from the voice of the stranger. And follow the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Enables God to Rescue them from Unseen Things
There is a battle raging on in the spirit realm. It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. It is happening. That’s why it is important to pray without ceasing, not just for ourselves but also for our loved ones.
It’s through our prayers that we can cooperate with God. And thwart the schemes of the enemy against our lives. We need to also pray for others because our prayers will rescue them from unseen battles. (Ephesians 6:18)
Helps to Shift Our Focus
At times we find ourselves caught up in our problems that we fail to hear the voice of God. The challenges we go through seem so real than the promises of God at times. We find it hard to continue standing firm in faith. And get so caught up with our issues.
Now here is the thing that I have learned in such seasons. Praying for others helps to shift our focus from self to God. Pray for a friend who may be going through something worse than what you are going through. Doing so will help you shift your focus from self to God’s faithfulness.
Increases our Faith
It is one thing to hear the testimony of another person when you are discouraged. It is another altogether to be part of that testimony. When you stand firm and pray with others, you will be encouraged when God blesses them.
Seasons come and go. If you are going through a great season right now, this is the right time to pray for others. Ask God to show Himself faithful for other people in your life. Pray that He exceeds their expectations when He answers them. When you see Him answering the prayers you prayed for these people, your faith will increase.
If you have been battling with doubt, you will see God’s faithfulness in these people’s lives. And this will encourage you to continue standing firm in the word of God.
Releases us from Stress
You may be taking care of someone that is battling a disease. Or maybe your child is stressing you out by engaging in illegal activities. Maybe your family member has decided to join the wrong group, or they’re about to face life imprisonment.
The best way to deal with someone who is stressing you is to pray for them. Doing so means you’re surrendering them to God. And this will release you from all the stress that you’re going through.
Now just because you’re praying for them does not mean that they’ll change automatically. But it may mean that things will change on your end as your heart will be in the right place. Instead of spending sleepless nights stressed about them, you’ll know that God is handling their case.
You will be blessed by God
God will never ask you to do something just for the sake of it. There is a blessing attached to everything He has told you to do.
If He has put it in your heart to pray for someone, just do it even if you do not understand. You may not even like this person, but go ahead and pray for them. God will bless you when you walk in obedience, one way or another. We also get to enjoy every other benefit of praying for others when we just obey.
Even if you don’t enjoy those blessings here, you’re going to be rewarded at the end of time.
God’s Will will be Done
There are many things God wants to do in this world. But, most of us are so caught up with our own things and the pleasures of this world. Then there those who are trying, but the enemy is blocking them in one way or another.
Maybe someone else is hindering you from doing what God wants you to do. You’ve tried everything you know with no success. They hear none of what you’ve to say. It’s by committing your time in prayer and asking God to help you that He can intervene. He will deal with that person’s heart so that His will can be fulfilled.
It could be that you’ve been trying to talk to someone for some time. But they have not been listening to you. They think you’re crazy. If you surrender them to God and pray for that person, the will of God will prevail in their life.
Saves People from Hell
The word of God says that hell was not made for man but for Satan and his demons. Unfortunately, the enemy has blinded the minds of people in this world. Many of them are heading to hell.
While we cannot control other people’s choices. We can influence them through prayer. By praying for these people, we can invite the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts. Prayer helps soften them to receive God’s word and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
If you have no other reason to pray for someone, their salvation should be your top priority. (Romans 15:1)
All in all:
There are so many benefits of praying for others.
Though praying for other people isn’t easy. It is worth every sacrifice. People are going through so many Challenges. It’s only by praying for them that we can help them overcome these challenges.
Praying for people will enable them to be rescued from the kingdom of hell. They’ll be able to do great exploits for the kingdom of God. And advance it to the ends of the earth. It may be tiring and discouraging to pray for someone.
Especially when they disrespect you. Or when you don’t see any changes in their life. But do not quit. Your prayers may cause God to intervene in someone’s situation and cause them to escape impending danger.
Praying for others is also beneficial to us as it helps release stress. Prayer helps us to shift our focus to God.