15 Proven Ways God Heals Broken Hearts

Do you know God heals broken hearts? Human beings are social creatures, and we need human interaction.

There is the need to be around people we love and share interests with to build a relationship with these people. With a relationship often comes heartache.

Heartache is either caused by the death of a loved one or a romantic relationship that has run its course.

Disappointments and unmet expectations can also be the cause of heartache, especially disappointments at work or church.

If you have been disappointed or have lost a loved one and your heart is broken, find solace in the knowledge that God can heal your broken heart, he can set things right.

In His Word, the Lord tells us that “He heals the heartbroken” (Psalm 147:3). All we need to do is trust him and call on him in our time of sorrow and hurt, and he will comfort us.

This article lists the top 15 ways God heals broken hearts.


  1. He heals by giving you peace

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:6-7)

In times of heartache, it is very easy to lose our peace and to start thinking about all the bad things that can happen in our lives.

Yet, God is always there; if we lean into his peace, it will lead us to understand what we could not grasp before.

We see the origin of the heartache in a different light, and slowly, God heals our hearts.

  1. He heals by giving you rest.

Science has proven that if the average adult human does not get enough rest then their mental state is affected, heartache tends to keep people up and give them restless nights.

Tossing and turning, replaying scenes and arguments over and over in their heads. God heals our hearts by helping us enter into his rest.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus proclaims rest for the weary, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”.

This is an invitation to receive rest and with rest comes a clear mind. A mind that is not clouded by fatigue.

  1. He heals by wiping Your tears.

Do you remember when you were a child, and you would ride your bicycle up and down the street with the neighborhood kids?

Then you misjudged the curb and fell off your bicycle, skinning your knee. You went running inside, tears streaming down your face, looking for your mother.

She would always wipe your tears first before tending to your wound, and you always felt better afterward.

This is what God does for us, “he will wipe every tear from your eyes” (Revelation 21:4). The tears we cried because of a failed relationship or the death of a loved one.

Through this seemingly simple act, God heals our hearts.

  1. He heals by being wounded.

The Bible tells us that “by his wounds, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). This scripture is prophesying about Jesus and how he would be wounded and crucified to save us.

Yet it was not just to save us; it was to heal us. Our heartache and sadness are all wounded by Jesus’s wounds. He was hurt so that we can be healed.

In times of heartache, declare this scripture over yourself and praise and thank Jesus for being wounded for us.

  1. He heals by restoring what was lost.

If you are experiencing heartache from the death of a loved one, you are probably missing the times you both spent together.

The times you laughed and the times you cried. You probably think that you will never experience that particular love from another loved one.

Or you might think about everything that you have invested in that relationship.

Yet, scripture tells us that God “will restore my life again” (Psalm 71:20) and “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.” (Joel 2:25).

Take heart in the knowledge that he heals our hearts by restoring what was lost.

Also Checkout: How to Experience God’s Presence: 7 Ways.

  1. He heals by giving you purpose.

We often lose sight of what is real and important when we are dealing with heartache. Our judgment gets cloudy, and we lose focus on our lives.

With losing focus comes gradually losing our vision and purpose for our lives.

The purpose is the thing that drives our actions and emotions to be and do better, but if you have no purpose, what gives us that drive to better our lives?

Purpose. This is also how God heals our hearts. He “calls us according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

When we focus on our God-given purpose, our hearts can be healed and made whole again.

  1. He heals by saving you.

When we go through heartache, we often become captive to our thoughts. These thoughts can be destructive and cause our hearts to harden.

It is also during these times of heartache that we often turn to means and methods to numb the pain in the form of addiction.

All is not lost, though. We see that we are not alone when we turn to the scriptures.

Psalm 34:18 says, “saves those who are crushed in spirit.” God is with us during our sadness, and he heals our hearts by saving us.

Broken Heart
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash
  1. He heals by sacrificing for you.

God heals our broken hearts by sacrificing his son. “While we were still sinners, Christ dies for us” (Romans 5:8).

When you think of the heartache that Jesus went through, being separate from the Father as he bears all our sins on the cross, you should feel encouraged through that sacrifice for your life.

Knowing that and believing in Jesus brings healing to your heart as the old falls away and you are clothed anew.

  1. He heals by sustaining you.

Heartache often leads to worry and stress either due to the feeling of being drained or the need to save face in front of others.

This, then, in turn, makes dealing with your emotions more difficult.

The great thing is we don’t have to carry our stress and worries with us; we don’t have to be heartbroken and sad.

We can just “Cast (our) cares to the Lord, and he will sustain (us)” (Psalm 55:22)

The Lord is our provider, and during times of emotional trauma, we can trust that he will not only sustain us but, in doing so, heal our hearts.

  1. He heals by redeeming your past.

Heartaches are often caused by events that happened in the past, a mistake that caused a breakup, and making the wrong decisions that lead to personal disappointment.

Often, we will revisit this past mistake, and then the heartache returns.

We might hold onto these feelings of disappointment and heartache so tight that we can prevent a repeat of our decisions.

But God redeems our past; he forgives and forgets, and through his forgiveness comes the healing in our hearts.

  1. He heals by setting you free.

Heartache cannot heal in captivity; heartache only gets worse and more devastating in captivity. Usually, we play the blame game when finding the cause of the heartache.

When we blame someone for heartache, we take them (or ourselves) into captivity.

Captivity can cause people to feel isolated and distant as they try to navigate their emotional minefield.

A broken heart can take you captive, but God sets us free and, in doing so, heals our hearts.

You see things differently, and your perception changes when you are free, and your heart is also free to heal.

Also Checkout: How to Begin Your Day with God’s Promises.

  1. He heals by helping you stay calm.

Anger can often be a by-product or even a result of heartache when we feel like we have somehow been wronged or a friend has done something awful.

We feel justified in being angry while dealing with our broken hearts. Or we turn to anger as a defense mechanism so our hearts don’t break again.

However, anger is not the way, and being angry prevents our hearts from heeling.

God, in his infinite wisdom, knows that to heal our hearts, we should not get angry but stay calm.

  1. He heals by forgiving you.

When we make mistakes, we often cause our heartaches. These mistakes could be large or small, but each mistake contributes to our feeling of a broken heart.

Heartache can also be the result of living in sin. When we come to the place where we ask for the Lord’s forgiveness, healing is brought to our hearts.

Unforgiveness often stops or prevents the healing of our hearts. We should definitely learn from God and forgive ourselves for our own mistakes.

In many instances, we must forgive ourselves for our mistakes.

  1. He heals by binding the brokenhearted.

Broken often brings up images of bits and pieces of a once whole item, all over. In some ways, that is also what a broken heart feels like.

Emotions are all over and what we really need is just someone to put those pieces back together.

That is exactly what Jesus was anointed and sent down from heaven for, to “bind up the brokenhearted”. (Isaiah 61:1).

When something is bound it heals faster and no pieces orbits can get lost. In this same way, when Jesus binds our broken hearts, he heals them.

  1. He is close to the brokenhearted.

Not only does he bind up the brokenhearted, but he is also “close to the brokenhearted”. (Psalm 34:18).

When dealing with heartache it often helps to have someone close to you to either talk to or to comfort you.

We should remember that we do not necessarily need people to be close to us, but we have access to the Father because he is close to us.

We can talk to him and he can heal our hearts through us opening up and him being close to us.

Do you know we often do not want to deal with heartache, and we pray that it will just go away, that we can just forget the pain and what caused the pain?

So we bottle the heartache until it becomes a hard piece in our heart, and we learn to treat all heartaches.


There is hope for the brokenhearted; God heals. He heals the brokenhearted as much as he heals the blind and lame.

We want to encourage you to open your heart to the Holy Spirit so that he can perform open-heart surgery and remove toxic emotions like anger, and then he can bind your heart back up so that it can heal.

We hope you have been encouraged by knowing that there are at least ways in which God can heal your broken heart.

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