How to Begin your Day with God’s Promises

By David •  Updated: 04/16/20 •  11 min read

It’s extremely important to know how to begin your day with God’s promises if we are going to be victorious Christians.

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 2 Peter 1:4 (NIV)

 Do you rush to get ready and out of the door, or is your morning routine more relaxed? Mornings are perfect because they present a fresh start or new beginning.

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How you start your day can affect how you spend and end it.

You need to seek spiritual nourishment in the morning; that is why knowing how to begin your day with God’s promises and how to stand on God’s promises is crucial.

 The truth is, the greatest faith of yesterday will not give you the confidence that you need today. Each day comes with its own set of challenges.

The promises of God will build our faith so that we can face these challenges courageously.

What is the meaning of ‘God’s Promise’?

God’s promise is a declaration or covenant that God will do exactly what he has said, or his word will happen just as he pledged. Unlike the promises we make, God’s promises are rock-solid.

There are so many promises of God in the Old and New Testaments for believers to stand on.  For example:

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36)

You need to know these promises so that you can partake in the divine nature of God and know how to begin your day with God’s promises.

Also Related: How to Hear God’s Voice Clearly: 12 Proven Ways.

Why should we rely on God’s Promises?

Benefits of Beginning your day with God’s Promises

Gives you Peace

With so many things happening around us,  it is easy to become stressed up. The promises of God will help you to be peaceful.

You will go about your day knowing that God has given you the peace that surpasses all understanding.

A lady asked her friend who was about to wed how she felt about the preparation process. “Peaceful” is the word her friend used to describe her current state.

Now the lady who asked the question did not understand how a bride-to-be was peaceful, so she wanted to know the secret. Her friend told her the secret was found in the word of God.

Just like this bride-to-be, you can find peace in times of preparation and uncertainty by beginning your day with the promises of God.

You’ll be assured of God’s Love

Love is a beautiful thing. Yes, we all want to be loved unconditionally. Unfortunately, we can’t get that kind of love from people.

Starting each day knowing that you’re loved not just by anyone but by the creator of the universe will strengthen you in your inner being and help you to face the day head-on.

You’ll be assured of God’s Protection

We have an enemy that attacks us from every side from the moment we wake up to when we go back to bed.

The word of God will remind you that you are protected. You will use the promises of God as a weapon to fight the enemy, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

Helps you to focus on eternity

To live confidently in this world, you need to focus on the right things. Focusing on eternity helps you to have a different perspective on things when you face setbacks in the course of the day.

It helps you to appreciate the day even when things work against you because you start the day knowing all this is temporary.

Now, starting your day with the promises of God is not just about opening the Bible randomly, reading a verse or two, and then setting it aside and moving on with life.

It means spending time in the word and standing on God’s promises.

Most of us have, at one point, sung “Standing on the promises of Christ my King”.

It is a song that describes the life of a Christian that is we live by faith, not by sight. But what does “standing on the promises of God” mean?

How to Stand on God’s Promises.

There is a thin line between standing on the promises of God and standing on your feelings. See, there are times we think that we are holding on to God’s promises when we are not.

This is especially in those times when things seem to be working out for our good.

We need to be careful because feeling good means we are standing on circumstances. The truth is our circumstances are like shifting sand.

We need something substantial, a rock that can weather the storm of the day. God’s promises are that rock.

Also Related: Top 17 Proven Benefits of Reading the Bible.

So how do you stand on God’s promises?

Be careful of what you entertain in your mind. Why? Satan attacks our minds with lies from the moment we wake up in the morning.

You need to guard your mind because that is where the enemy attacks you.

Let your thoughts align with the promises of God irrespective of what is happening in your life. Remember, even though your circumstances look real, they are not true.

It is only the word of God that is true, and it will come to pass as long as you keep standing firm. So be alert of the schemes of the enemy and do not allow him to lie to you.

It is very hard to say you are healthy when you have a big lump on your throat or when you are in a hospital bed. But God has promised you divine health.

If you are sick or going through some financial challenge, stand on God’s promises by speaking out those promises.

The Bible tells us to remind God of his promises. So when you speak the word of God, you are reminding God about the promises that he had made over your life. Okay, don’t get it wrong, God has forgotten his promises.

Speaking out the word of God is an act of faith. It shows him that you believe what he says about you, for we believe, so we speak. (Isaiah 62:6) 

Here are five ways to help you begin your day with God’s promises.

Determine what you need and locate a promise for it

We have different needs in life. Seasons change, and the desires of our hearts change too.

It is essential to know what season you are in so that you can find the right promises to stand on and know how to begin your day with God’s promises.

If you don’t know what is going on in your life right now, ask God for guidance, he will direct you to the right promises.

Once you have determined what you need, go to the Bible and locate a promise for that need.

Okay, it may seem like a lot of work given that there are so many promises in the Bible, but you will never know the promises of God if you don’t take the time to read your Bible.

Start your day by reading the Bible so that you can know what God has promised you in his word.

God's Promises

Photo by Sharon Watters on Unsplash

Memorize God’s Promises

You don’t have to memorize all the promises of God in the Bible. It is better to memorize a few promises that you understand deeply.

When you face a challenge during the day, you will be able to quote the verse you memorized in response to those challenges.

Jesus knew the importance of the promises of God. When he was tempted, Jesus quoted God’s word.

He took God’s word and lived upon it.  We also need to do the same. The promises of God will manifest in our lives when we quote God’s promises in response to the challenges that we go through.

But how do we memorize scripture?

Get one verse and memorize it, then look for another verse that is linked to that one and memorize it too.

You can memorize as many verses as you want, but for effectiveness, consider memorizing three to five verses that you can stand on when you begin your day.

Write God’s Promises Down

There are people in our lives that can memorize a full Bible chapter or more. Amazing, right? But some of us find it hard to memorize one verse.

We forget the promise we have read as soon as we finish our morning devotionals.

The truth is, all of us cannot master all the techniques on how to stand God’s promises. We are wired differently. What may work for one person may not be your cup of tea.

If memorizing a verse is a big struggle consider writing the promises you want to stand on in your notebook or card. Writing helps you to remember what you have read.  (Jeremiah 30:2-3)

Writing the promise on a card also comes in handy when you leave the house.

You can carry the card with you everywhere you go and keep reading it so that you can continue to stand on the promises throughout the day. Buy a journal or cards at your local store or online that you can use to write God’s promises.

Meditate God’s Promises

Reading the promises of God is good, but at times we get caught up with so many things in the course of the day that we end up forgetting what we read.

Meditation is when you think about the promises that you have read, recite them to your soul, and apply them to your own life.

So, as you read the word of God, see Jesus coming to help you with your problem. See him guiding, strengthening, and fighting for you.

The more you see Jesus, the more courageous you will become. Your burdens will begin to lift off, and you will start your day with courage.

God told Joshua to meditate on his law day and night so that he would have success. (Joshua 1:8). Meditation is not a one-time thing; it is a continual process that needs to be done throughout the day. It brings to mind the truths and promises of God.

When we meditate, we intentionally dwell on God’s promises, inject them into our thoughts, and instruct our souls to choose the promises of God over the circumstances.

Pray the Promises of God

Reading the promises is not enough; you need to stand on them by turning them into prayer. But how do you do that? Personalize the promise so that they can fit your situation.

Discuss the promise that you have read in the Bible with God in prayer.

Ask him to give you a deeper revelation of the promise so that you continue standing firmly in it. Speak the verse in faith and do not stop until the promises come to pass in your life.

Now when it comes to praying the promises of God, you need to be patient. Don’t jump from this prayer to another.

Exercise patience by focusing your prayers on one problem, one that is urgent, then when you get answers move to the next.


To be able to live separate lives in this dark world, we need to nourish our souls with the word of God.

Knowing how to begin your day with God’s promises is vital for every Christians because these promises help us to start the day on the right footing.

We need to learn how to stand on God’s promises so that we can be able to fight the enemy and face the challenges of life.

To start our day with God’s promises, we need to read, meditate, memorize scripture, write down, and pray for God’s promises.



Is an Ordained Minister and Life Coach. He is an ordained minister since 1988. Shortly after receiving Jesus as his personal savior, he answered the call to ministry.

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