Abiding in the Lord is the secret to a successful Christian life.
Why does the Bible admonish us to abide in the Lord? There are many reasons why people abide and will continue to abide in the Lord.
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If you abide in the Lord, then you will experience peace and happiness through prayer – a personal relationship with Him.
The Word of God announces great promises to those who learn to abide in the Lord – Jesus Christ. When we stay in Him, we live in Him.
We stay in a place of protection where we can rest, trust, lean, and rely on Him and His promises.
What does it mean to abide in the Lord?
To abide is to live, continue, or maintain. Therefore, abiding in the Lord is living in him or staying in him. When a person is saved, he or she is described as being in Christ (Romans 8: 1; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
Remaining secure in a permanent relationship (John 10: 28-29). Therefore, Christ is the true vine in which and by whom we receive spiritual nourishment, as the branch of the vine receives it from the vine.
What does the Bible say about abiding in the Lord?
Biblically, to abide in the Lord means, on the one hand, to abandon all known sin and to live a life that conforms to His will. And, on the other hand, to discharge all burden on Him and draw from Him life, strength, and wisdom.
We may not always be aware of His presence, but the main thing is not to tolerate anything that separates us from Him.
“If you bear much fruit, this is how My Father will be glorified”.
The fruit can be manifested in the form of
- Converts (Romans 1:13)
- Carrying within oneself the characteristics of the Christian (Galatians 5: 22-23);
- Sanctification (Romans 6: 21-22);
- And justice (Philippians 1:11).
Importance of abiding in the Lord
2 Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
First of all, this new creation concerns our Spirit, which is about the Spirit of God. Our Spirit will act in turn on our soul (emotion, intelligence, feelings), and it is this which will allow us to renew our intelligence.
Remember that man is made up of a body, a soul, and a spirit. The old habits, traditions, bad inclinations of the past will disappear.
This is what the reconciliation is that will lead us to abandon ourselves to the will of God. And all this was made possible thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross and our faith.
Only those who are born again can abide in Christ. When Christ says that he wants to abide in us (we are the Temple). He wants to establish a perfect communion with us by his presence in us.
Christ came to this world not to create a religion that comes from men, but to establish this fellowship, this intimacy with each of us. This is only possible if we remain in him if we live in his dependence and have complete confidence in him.
But if Christ comes to dwell in us, it is to transform us, to equip us for the mission, to bear fruit.
Also Related: Benefits of God’s Presence: Top 15 Proven.
13 Proven Benefits of Abiding in the Lord
The following are thirteen proven benefits of abiding in the Lord
1. Peace and happiness.
A person who abides in the Lord will experience all-around peace and happiness. It is a peace that passes all understanding. The people around you do not understand how amid so much tribulation, you can be calm and serene waiting on your Lord.
“I know how to [a]be abased, and I know how to [b]abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” (Philippians 4:12).
2. You will not feel lonely or alone.
When you abide in the Lord, you will not be alone or depressed.
When you have lost that hope for a new life and a faith that God will do His will in your life: in your relationships, in your work, in your partner, in EVERYTHING.
Then you will begin to feel inexplicable contentment. Happiness that few will understand, but you will be able to sleep all night peacefully.
Your peace, or rather, the light of Christ reflected in you, will give peace to those around you. To the people who love and care about you, your heart will be filled with the love and compassion you long for.
3. Your confidence will increase.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
By abiding in the Lord, you will know that He can help you overcome any difficulties you may have in your life.
If you have had any problems with your family or your job, then God can help you overcome these problems. It can also help you overcome the fear of losing your life or your job.
A person who abides in the Lord will have a stronger sense of self-worth and respect. When you can love God above all things, love yourself, and respect yourself, you will love and respect your family and friends. These two relationships are the foundation of your life.
4. You receive a personal connection with Jesus Christ.
By abiding in the Lord, you receive a personal connection with Jesus Christ – a friend for life. Think of having a friend and companion for life, a teacher and mentor, and help in every situation in life.
He is always there, in happiness and adversity, and always with the ability to help.
Jesus is someone we can turn to and say, “Help me, I’m in trouble, I’m sinning, I don’t know what to do.” And Jesus answers us: “I know; I have been tempted into the same, but I had victory over it. Let me show you how. Let me give you the strength. ”
He will never abandon us. Regardless of how big and scary the world is, no matter how many difficult situations pile up, no matter how cold and lonely we feel, Jesus is there for us. A personal friend, mentor, and helper for life. What more could we ask for?
5. You receive the Holy Spirit as a help and a companion in your life.
“But when the Spirit comes true, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own but will speak whatever he hears, and he will let you know the things to come.” John 16:13.
The Holy Spirit is sent from heaven to be a guiding presence and power in the lives of everyone who abides in the Lord. He guides us in all things, an independent helper of what happens.
Show us our sins and what we must do to overcome them, and then He empowers us to do it! He is a driving force, an engine that takes us forward and gives us strength when we feel we don’t have it.
“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession [a]for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26.
Think of having such a help in our life! With Jesus as our head and the Holy Spirit in our hearts, there is nothing that can prevent us from living completely according to the will of God.
6. You receive victory over sin.
All the misery in the world is the result of sin. As Christians, we are called to have victory over all conscious sin. In other words, to be free from everything that makes us unhappy!
Impatience, anger, lust, envy – these are not pleasant things to experience. Living according to your sin is like holding on to the wind.
It just leaves you feeling empty and unhappy and in constant need of more. You stretch behind this satisfaction of your desires that work so close but are never enough.
When you abide in the Lord, then you receive victory over sin then you find happiness. A perfect heavenly joy, which does not leave you feeling empty and unhappy.

7. You take the virtues of Christ and are transformed into his image.
We are called to live this victorious life, just as Jesus did. And as we abide in the Lord, we are more transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith” Galatians 5:22. When we abide in the Lord and begin to follow Jesus Christ, then we begin to have the fruits of the Spirit.
Think you can always be loving, cheerful, and patient instead of selfish, proud, anxious, or angry. We can be a blessing to others!
8. Happiness in earthly life.
Everywhere you see people wondering about a recipe for a happy life.
It is a universal goal, yet very few have always found a way to be happy, no matter what happens, every second of every day of every year. As believers, this is not only possible. It is something that we have been promised if abide in the Lord!
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.
It was never God’s intention for us to be unhappy on earth for eighty years and then be happy in heaven.
God has thoughts of peace toward us – He wants us to be happy now! And as long as everything we want is in line with what God wants, then that, of course, will happen.
9. Peace and rest – a life without anxiety.
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, that is, those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.
The world is an uncertain place. Natural disasters, financial insecurity, and economic crises – how can anyone find rest in such a tumultuous time?
But it is written that “all things work together for good to those who love God.” This means that God cares for his children, regardless of what happens in the world.
Whatever happens, be it economic recessions, hurricanes, corruption, global warming, or whatever else one faces in his path, God will take care of us. We are those who love God because we abide in Him.
Nothing can happen to us that is not for our absolute good.
10. Life in eternity as the Bride of Jesus.
Regardless of where you go or who you talk to, it seems that death is the most “unknown” factor in life.
The fear of death can be the cause of much worry and anxiety in a person’s life. But think: As Christians who abide in the Lord, we can go through life and know exactly what will happen after we die.
We received eternal life in heaven, in peace and happiness as the Bride of Jesus! Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in me, even though he is dead, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. “John 11: 25-26.
An eternal life in heaven without hunger or thirst, without tears; What could be better than this? No one could say no to such a life! Isn’t this what everyone wants, deep down?
A joyful life for eternity, without suffering. The price is that we must give up our life here on earth to put sin to death, just as Jesus did, and live only according to God’s will.
11. He Strengthens us.
When the prize is so great, the price to pay is insignificant. God gives us everything we could want or need.
He sees how we should live our lives. He has prepared the perfect life before us, and if we are one hundred percent obedient to everything he puts in our hearts, then this life will lead us to perfect joy.
We will have the strength and power to go through life without being unhappy once, and this happy life in freedom will continue in eternity!
The Spirit of Christ who is in you will help you to continue to abide in Christ (avoid temptations, the things of this world…. He will guide you, protect you and keep you)
12. We will bear fruit.
John 15:5: “I am the Vine; you are the branches. He who abides in me, like me in him, that one bears much fruit”
This is essential, Jesus wants us to bear fruit in our lives, for the growth of the Kingdom, fruit for the service of the Church, and it is by bearing fruit that the Father will be glorified.
What are these fruits: the fruits of righteousness, of holiness, you will succeed in what you undertake for the Lord, for the Church, and yourself. It is also the answer to our prayers.
This is why the scripture in john 15:7 says:
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you like, and it will be granted to you.”
13. Your interior life will become similar to that of the Lord.
You begin to think like him, speak like him, act like him, love like him… and this will also reflect on your exterior life.
Indeed, when people notice that the fruit of your attachment to Jesus Christ is good and desirable, they will be more disposed to receive the Word of God and to trust in HIM.
Let us agree to abide in the Lord in perfect communion with him and this at all times of our life. Let us be ONE with him.
In Conclusion
The parable of the vine and the branches teaches us that the quality and effectiveness of our life as a child of God, as well as the answer to our prayers, depends on the quality of our relationship with Jesus.
Let us not forget that we are branches and that the first condition to bear the fruit that God expects from us is to remain attached to the Vine.
We will conclude by saying, like the apostle Paul in Rom 8:38-39:
“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Amen! Hallelujah! Glory to God