Top 13 Proven Ways to Find Healing from Your Past

If you want to learn to base on how to find Healing from Your Past, let me tell you that it is possible. And you can achieve it with the guidance of God, you can forget what has happened and start building your dream future.

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Don’t get stuck wondering why things happened that way or if you didn’t do enough to get better results.

It’s time to turn the page and start rewriting something wonderful, a new story with God as inspiration.

Many Christians are seeking an answer to the question How do I forget the past and move on with my life?  Is it good to let go of the past?  Why can’t I let go of the past?

So here are the steps and ways that will  help you forget the past and move on:


  1. Repent from the Heart.

One of the best ways to be healed from past hurts, and let go of the past is that you must realize what you need to change. If you have to repent, don’t just do it in words, confess yourself, take up your friendship with God again. Change your heart. Pray and God will forgive you.

As the Bible says:

Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.”

1 John 1: 9 “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”

  1. Receive forgiveness.

Are you confused based on how to let go of the past, let go and move on, how to let go of past hurts, and move on from the past? Then I am glad to inform you that you will receive a new opportunity to live in friendship with God. Through forgiveness, the guilt you came to feel for the sins you committed disappears.

You should no longer worry about previous sins, they have been forgiven if you have regretted them from the heart. Now, change your life, leave behind everything bad that happened.

This is what the Bible says:

Micah 7:19 “He will again have mercy on us; He will bury our iniquities and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.”

  1. Get a new mind and heart.

Despite the temptations that may appear, God has given you a new heart and mind. You will no longer follow your old habits, your wishes will be to do good. The Holy Spirit will give you the strength you need in times of weakness:

Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take away the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.”

Also Related: Top 15 Ways God Can Heal Your Broken Heart.

  1. Letting go of your past.

The main things that we need to learn so as to get free of the past is how to let go of someone who hurt you, how to let go of trauma, how to let go of the past and be happy, how to move on. But Letting go consists of two directions:

  1. Past: The processing and dissolving of what holds us in the past
  2. Future: Thinking about what we really want

Often one “sticks” to the pain and thus experiences the old story again and again, for example, because one keeps telling it in one’s head. Here it is important to wake up and recognize that these are only processes that take place in you, but that you yourself are not really that.

If you follow the urge to tell yourself the painful story over and over again, there is no cure. This keeps the pain alive, but not resolved. As described in the second step, feel the feeling in-depth, and let go of the story.

Ephesians 4:31-32; “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” 6. Proverbs 4:25; “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.”

  1. Accept the past as it is.

If you want to know how to heal from past hurts, how to let go of people, letting go of people, and how to leave the past behind, then you must cultivate the art of accepting the past and moving on. Something can only change if it is recognized in its essence.

So the first step is to accept the situation as it is. Most times we focus on the deed that has been done and are careless about what is next and what needs to be done but it’s good advisable for us to accept that past as it is and then forget about it because it is gone forever already and cannot be edit again.

Healing from Your Past
Photo by DANNY G on Unsplash
  1. Moving on to A new path.

Not letting go of the past does not help your life, after all, you are finally ready to continue on your new path, on the path that God has renewed for you. You will live as a true disciple. So one of the processes of letting go and letting go emotionally is moving on a new path.

Feelings like discouragement, hopelessness, laziness will have no place in your heart… Because God has entered your heart to fill it with his Word.

You have finally been able to put the past behind you, no matter what you have thought, now there is faith and hope:

Luke 9:62 “And Jesus said to him: No one who, putting his hand to the plow, looks back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

  1. Believe that it’s over.

One of the main things that affect our lives is the mentality, to create a new mindset within you that the past is over and it cannot be changed but the present and the future matter most, and something great will definitely come out of it if we believe in God.

So if you let someone or something go is believing that it’s over. Though the pain of letting go, overcoming the past, and letting go of trauma might be much but we just create time to let go.

Isaiah 43: 18-19 / LUT Do not think of the old and pay no attention to the previous! For behold, I want to make a new one; Now it shall grow up, and you will find out that I am making a way in the desert and rivers of water in the wasteland.

  1. Consult the foundation.

 The bible made it clear that Jesus is the foundation of all things, so whenever we realize our foundation or past is faulty, the best thing is for us to back Jesus who is the solid foundation.

“1 Corinthians 3:11, For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

Also see: 8 Proven Ways To Pray For Emotional Healing.

  1. See yourself as God sees you.

As a child growing up in the church, I still remember the teaching on “justification.” One teacher explained it simply: Jesus’ death on the cross made it possible for me to be right with God – ”just as if I had never sinned” (Romans 3:24). So, as a follower of Christ, I get that. Because of Jesus, that’s the way God views me.

But in a series of Christmas messages at our current church recently, a speaker focused on Jesus and His perfect character. Jesus was tempted in every way, yet He never sinned. Faced with every wrong choice imaginable, He always obeyed.

When Jesus took our sin upon Himself, the perfect, sinless, Son of God, and we accept that payment for our own sins, God then sees us, as believers, like He sees Jesus – as if we have always obeyed, and as if we always will obey.

  1. Place GRACE beside every destructive thought and negative reminder from the past that threatens you.

Satan loves to remind God’s children of their marriage mess-ups, their parenting blunders, their business failures, and their prideful actions of the past. You can keep trying to pay for those yourself, but the reality is, you can never really undo the past.

You can only learn from it, and accept God’s grace to move beyond it. It’s God’s grace that erases our past; and it’s God’s grace that will remake our future (Ephesians 2:5-8; Hebrews 4:16; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Each time you begin to dwell on your mistakes or sins of the past, visually picture the words GRACE beside those thoughts, pushing the negative ones out.

Then whisper a thank you cry to God: “Lord, thank you for your grace that brings healing from my past. Thank you for redeeming me, and for seeing me as if I have always obeyed. Thank you that You love me completely and unconditionally.”

  1. Meditate on the healing truths in God’s Word daily.

Almost every “how-to” topic I write about seems to include this step. But the relevance of God’s Word never changes (Isaiah 40:8, Proverbs 30:5, Matthew 4:4, NIV). Scientists and doctors have proved that prayer and meditation on spiritual truths like those in the Bible can actually promote healing, well-being, and longevity, by impacting the brain positively.

Joshua 1:8 told us thousands of years ago what scientists are just now discovering. ”Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”.

Centuries later, the apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to continue in the Word because, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV).

God’s Word doesn’t return “void.” In other words, allowing God’s truths and promises to saturate our lives gives us the very defense and offensive we need to press on positively to the future God has prepared for us. God will take those implanted seeds of truth to accomplish His purpose for our lives.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
  1. Forgive as Jesus has forgiven you.

If you desire – and expect – God’s grace and forgiveness to remain active in your life, you must learn to not only forgive others but also yourself. When I temporarily slip back into an “Oh, me!” mentality, I find comfort and grace in reversing to an “Ah, Lord,” declaration.

“Ah, Lord, if you have forgiven me so completely, what right do I have not to forgive others – or even myself?” (Forgive, as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 NIV). His grace enables us to do what we can’t do alone: forgive.

You’ve heard, “To err is human; to forgive is divine.” I would add, “to not forgive is to trample down God’s grace and render it useless in our lives.” I love Proverbs 24:16 (NLT): The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. Everyone errs. But with God’s grace, we can all start over.

  1. Keep moving forward by anticipating something today and something tomorrow.

My father used to say, “Have something to do today, something to do tomorrow.” I don’t know about you, but there’s always something to do at my house – or in my life – but not always what I anticipate doing.

Yet even in the midst of the mundane, it helps to change my outlook by focusing on something I can look forward to today and something I can look forward to tomorrow.

That something may be as ambitious as writing 2500 words, or as practical as planting new garden flowers. It could be as simple as “coffee with Jesus,” moments when I can mix the aroma of fresh java with the perfume of God’s presence and time in His Word, or simply having lunch with a good friend.

Find joy in what you do, and in doing for others. Putting our past behind is a constant action; but so is pressing on. Consider a reachable goal like Mother Teresa‘s: “Doing small things with great love” – even while she worked in the midst of extreme poverty and adverse circumstances.


So based on how to let go, how to heal the pain I am glad to let you know that I found a way to let you go, God has promised a new life full of love, peace, and hope for everyone who believes in Him.

Your life will change when you learn to leave the past behind, and above all, accept it. At that moment God will enter your life to strengthen each step of your new path.

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