13 Great Ways To Live Victorious Christian Life

Are you ready to live the victorious Christian life? The global message of the entire Bible is a message of victory!

Everything we find in the word of God aims at our good, fulfillment, and meaning for our living.

We are now facing a specific text that reveals our life of victory in Christ Jesus!

I am fully convinced that the Spirit of God will reveal to us all the secrets of the victorious Christian life.

We will examine how to live to how to become instruments used by God for his glory!

What then is the secret of the victorious Christian life?


  1. Make Joy A Continuous Decision.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 “Rejoice Always.”

Joy is a believer’s right, but it must be appropriated by faith like everything else. We must not and do not need to depend on circumstances to rejoice.

In God, we will always have a source of joy and pleasure.

  • The Lord is the basis and reason for our joy.

Philippians 4-4. Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice.

Psalm 16-11. In the presence of God, there is fullness of joy.

Obviously, many life situations can make us sad. Though we are not immune to them, we can enter the presence of the Lord and recover the smile.

Habakkuk 3: 17-18 Even if the fig tree does not bloom and there are no grapes on the vines, even if the olive crop fails and there is no food production in the fields, neither sheep in the corral, nor oxen in the stables, 18. I will nevertheless rejoice in the Lord, and I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

Jeremiah 15:16. When your words were found, I ate them; and your words were the joy of my heart to me.

When we read or hear the word of God, we are filled with joy, for our eyes turn away from problems and are placed on the Lord and his promises. That is why it is vital to supply ourselves daily with the word and run to it when we are in trouble.

  1. Always be Grateful.

“In everything, give thanks, because this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Who likes ungrateful people? Perhaps ingratitude is the attitude we most hate in people. That is because ungrateful people cannot observe and recognize the good things they receive from others.

God directed us to use this critical secret to have a victorious life. Gratitude makes our life more abundant because it makes us see life differently.

Some people find no reason to thank God (or people) at all. But the grateful person sees these reasons in droves and is incredibly happy about that.

He is a worshiper, for he sees and recognizes God acting abundantly in small and large things.

  1. Do Everything According to the Word of God.

“Judge all things, retain what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

He who wants a victorious life will need to learn to judge what is presented to him in different areas of his life and separate the chaff from the wheat.

That is because every day, we are bombarded with a series of things that will not always bring us a victorious life. The mature believer does not swallow everything he is offered. He knows how to confront things based on the word of God.

What will be part of our life, and what will not be part? We must cultivate the art of correct judgment.

We must always retain that which will bring us growth and that in some way will glorify our God. What is good must be accumulated. What is bad must be despised.

  1. Decide to follow Jesus and walk in His Light.

“Jesus, therefore, spoke to them, saying again: I am the light of the world; whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Any person who decides to follow Jesus is in control of their life. They will have a high degree of combativeness, which gives him resistance, courage, and determination to break barriers that may prevent his victory. He is a person who radiates hope, joy, good humor and infects those with whom he lives.

He is filled with the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, kindness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control. (Read Galatians 5.22, 23). He is spiritually and emotionally healthy. He is always ready to help, to say kind words, and does not allow negative thoughts to fill her mind and heart.

  1. Always stay away from Evil.

“Abstain from all forms of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

We know that evil has no abundance in it. On the contrary, evil is in opposition to all that is good.

He who desires a victorious life will have to learn to walk away from any form of evil. This will not be easy, as our society accepts many sins as normal, and our flesh is also inclined to seek evil.

However, we know that the faithful servant of God is guided by the word of God. And he must firmly resist the evils placed before him. Whoever accepts how evil acts and embraces them will never be able to live a victorious life.

  •  To abstain from evil is to renounce sin (Ps 119: 11; Heb 12: 4)

Apostle Paul teaches in Hebrews to fight against sin until he sheds his blood.

  • To abstain from evil is to avoid what contaminates us (Dan 1: 8)

Some things do not sin, but they spoil us. We need to renounce them too. Music, literature, TV, friendships, everything must be evaluated according to God’s purpose. And if it seduces us into the world, it should be avoided.

  1. Live A Life of Complete Obedience.

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you[a] shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”. Joshua 1.8.

God does not forget the promises he makes to us. He also does not forget the attitudes he commands us to have to see these promises being fulfilled in our lives.

We need to examine ourselves sincerely and answer the question: Am I obeying God?

When we choose to obey and stick to that purpose, nothing and no one can beat us because the Lord is with us every day of our lives.

He does not leave us nor forsake us! John 14:23. Whoever loves me obeys me! That is what the Lord thinks of us!

  1. Always Listen to the Voice of God.

“Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:19).

Those who wish to have a victorious life need to know that there is no abundant life away from practicing what God desires for our lives. Many people “erase” or “hinder” God’s action in their lives by not paying attention to God’s voice.

How will we know how to walk the most victorious life paths if we do not stop and pay attention to God’s voice and His will? When we do not do this, we run the risk of entering through what the Bible calls “death paths.” “There is a way that seems right to man, but after all, they are ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25).

  1. Never Stop Fighting.

Matthew 11:12 “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”

A conqueror in Christ never disbelieves his dreams. He never leaves the battle. He never stops fighting, and never fades to the point of running away from his enemies. For example, the struggle for the conquest of Canaan was much more complicated than Joshua imagined.

God required a lot of faith, bravery, and perseverance. God always gave him a dose of encouragement, and Joshua clung —– to God. He thought I am going to get there! I will have God’s promise.

It is not easy, but there is not much left. Things are difficult, but the worst is over. It is behind us. I will not give up now that we are about to set foot on the land you promised to give us. I will fight until I step on the heads of our enemies and become the possessor of my blessing.

Today God wants you to be revived and filled with the Holy Spirit. He wants you to be enthusiastic and full of euphoria without ever giving up, engaging all spiritual weapons.

Never stop fighting for your inheritances. Know that the Lord is with you a winning man, a brave woman.

  1. Pray All the Time.

Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Prayer is also a mighty secret to a victorious life. This is because prayer connects us compellingly and uniquely with our Creator.

In the Bible, God is called Almighty, Creator of all things, but surprisingly, he gives us the opening to talk to Him, ask for something, and seek guidance.

The psalmist realized the greatness of this possibility and used it a lot especially in those moments that had the potential to take away his peace.

He appealed to God: “This afflicted one cried, and the LORD heard him and delivered him from all his tribulations” (Psalm 34: 6).

Praying means having God always closer and being able to be blessed by His mighty presence.

What does it mean to Pray without Ceasing?

  • To pray without ceasing is to pray every day (Mt 6: 9-11) – Jesus taught us to set aside a daily time, exclusive for prayer.

If we are to ask for our daily bread, we must pray every day. This determines many victories in our lives and leads us to readjust our attunement with God.

  •  To pray without ceasing is to pray all the time – Eph 6:18, I Cor 14: 14-15, Rom 8:26.

Even in our affairs, we must not lose our attunement and communication with God.

One way to do this is to keep your thoughts connected to Him, bringing you into all situations that involve us.

It is also essential to pray in the Spirit, that is, pray in tongues as much as possible.

  • To pray without ceasing is to persevere in prayer – Col 4: 2, Luke 18: 1

Jesus teaches his disciples always to pray and never be discouraged.

Many conquests of faith will only occur in our lives if we insist on praying for them until God answers.

Those who give up, who let time stop their prayers, miss much of what the Lord has prepared.

So, do not give up on praying for the things you dream of, which is part of God’s will for your life.

  1. Take Prophetic Direction Seriously.

“Do not despise prophecies” (1 Thessalonians 5:20).

We live today in a world that devalues the Word of God and does not consider it with the due value that it deserves.

However, he who desires a victorious life must pay full attention to the word of God. We know that the Bible is our manual.

Through it, we learn the truth and a series of other precepts that will guide us to a life that pleases God.

It is not for nothing that the psalmist declared something incredible about the word of God: “Lamp for my feet is your word and light for my ways.” (Psalm 119: 105). It is here that we learn about Jesus, salvation, and other essential things for a victorious life.

  1. Always Guard your Heart with Positive Thoughts.

Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”

The secret to a positive and successful life begins in the mind. So, be careful with what populates your thoughts. Your attitudes to circumstances will depend on how you view them.

You are chosen, loved, valued, and called by God to fulfill a specific purpose on this earth. So, do not let yourself be overwhelmed by circumstances or adversity.

Try to reframe your concerns. In place of obstacles, see trampolines on which you will jump high, overcoming yourself to win victories.

  1. Have Great Optimism.

A positive person, who believes in his victory, cultivates an optimistic smile on his face. And his lips do not speak words of defeat.

He is attentive to what Proverbs 18:21 warns: “What you say can save or destroy a life; so, use your words well, and you will be rewarded.”

May your mouth be a channel to prophesy the promises of God.  Because whoever trusts in the Lord keeps his spirit calm, animated, and is not selfish.

Trust in Christ reflects determination in purpose.

  1. Be Courageous.

The destiny of the human being is in his own hands. So, regardless of whether you were responsible for your defeats in the past. Be courageous and make decisions that will lead you to a better life.

It takes courage to admit mistakes, accept constructive criticism and adopt a new lifestyle. Say no to harmful habits, learn to relate and, above all, be a courageous person. “Because God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, love, and moderation” (2 Timothy 1.7).

In Conclusion

The Holy Scriptures’ message is that God in Christ called us to a victorious, full, meaningful life with a reason to live.

However, the great secret of a victorious life is to be aware that we are not exempt from difficulties. It is to be optimistic even in the face of crises and committed to God and His work.

May God grant you the fullness of His power, through the Holy Spirit, to achieve spiritual victory in this world of sins and sufferings.

If we go through a great trial today, let us not take it as a defeat. But let us continue, to hope for victory through him who can make us more than conquerors through Christ.

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